Is EA Teasing a New Mirror's Edge Game?

Could EA's dormant franchise Mirror's Edge be making a comeback? This is the question that some [...]

Could EA's dormant franchise Mirror's Edge be making a comeback? This is the question that some fans have been asking themselves after a recent tweet from Electronic Arts hit the internet. Although there's nothing specific about the message that indicates a revival of any sort could be in the works, it's rather odd to see come about since EA hasn't talked about the series in years at this point.

The tweet in question was shared to EA's account for the region of France where it shared a blurred image from one of its games. Written in French, the caption asked fans if they knew what game the image was from. Based on the iconic red gloves that could somewhat clearly be seen in the image, the answer was obviously that of Mirror's Edge.

Although this tweet absolutely could have just been a fun way for EA to try to engage with fans, others found it odd that the publisher would bring up Mirror's Edge like this. Some folks on the internet immediately began questioning whether this tweet could specifically be the first tease of a future installment in the Mirror's Edge series.

In all likelihood, though, this surely isn't the case. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, which is the most recent entry in the franchise, launched back in 2016. However, the game didn't do very well in terms of sales. Not to mention, it also wasn't as critically well-received as its predecessor. As a whole, to see EA return to make another game in the Mirror's Edge series seems quite unlikely.

However, that's not to say we'll never see Mirror's Edge return in any capacity. If nothing else, perhaps a remaster or remake of the first game could come about at some point in the future. If that happens, though, it doesn't seem likely that this tweet is such an indication of that happening.

Would you like to see Mirror's Edge come back at some point in the future? Feel free to give me your thoughts either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.