MultiVersus Update Addresses Concern with Beta

MultiVersus has plenty of characters to choose from when deciding which fighters to focus on and which to fall back to, but not all of them are available right from the start if you're playing the game without spending money. A rotation of free-to-play fighters is how MultiVersus developer Player First Game allows players to try out different characters with the roster rotating every two weeks, the creators clarified, so that players can get a feel for how different characters play.

That's all well and good when it comes to experimenting with fighters before unlocking them, but after the free rotation occurred, players were concerned about what might happen to progress earned with a character that players didn't technically own since the character was only playable via the free rotation and would soon go back to being locked. The game's creators addressed those concerns this week while clarifying the free rotation system and confirming that progress earned with characters – owned or not – is retained from here on out.

"If you played during the EARLY ACCESS period, all of your progression to ALL of the characters you played during 7/19 – 7/25 is saved (yay!)," a tweet shared from the MultiVersus Twitter account said. "No worries if you can't unlock all of the characters you played before, you'll keep and resume your progress once you unlock them."

Harley Quinn, Taz, Shaggy, and Jake were free-to-play prior to the kickoff of the open beta, for example, so if you played them then and now found that they've been locked, you can purchase them using in-game coins, the premium Gleamium currency, or a character ticket acquired through one of the game's Founder Packs and will still have all of your progress intact. The same goes for this week's free characters – play them now and buy them later, and you won't run the risk of losing any progress earned.

Of course, if you want to try out a character, you don't have to wait until they're free and don't have to shell out currency to play as them. The MultiVersus account reminded players that every fighters is free to try out in The Lab, so you can test them there before making a decision.