Ninja Blasts Fortnite's Worst Weapon

Fortnite offers a plethora of weapon options, but for Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins, there's one in [...]

Fortnite offers a plethora of weapon options, but for Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, there's one in particular that's far worse than the rest. In a recent stream, Ninja ended up with the common-rarity Pump Shotgun, also known as the "gray Pump." Ninja was quickly eliminated during a gunfight, resulting in an expletive-filled tirade, blasting the weapon as "useless." Each weapon type in the game has five color options in total, which determines both rarity and strength. The gray Pump offers the lowest strength out of all the game's shotguns, doing a maximum of 70 damage, and lacking the ability to perform headshots.

"The gray Pump is the worst gun in the game, give me a gray Pistol instead, no cap! And I hate the gray Pistol! From the developers' standpoint, I don't understand it. Why put something so useless in the game just so you 'have a starting weapon.' Just give us Assault Rifles!"

While all of the game's gray weapons are on the weaker side, Ninja contended that the gray Pump is clearly worse than other weapons in the same color category. During the stream, Ninja pointed out other gray weapons that he doesn't see as difficult to play with.

"The gray SMG is not bad, the gray AR, you can do work with it. The gray Pump, it's not even close."

With Chapter 2: Season 1 winding down soon, and Season 2 set for release in February, it might be a good time for Epic to make an adjustment. After all, it wouldn't be the first time the developer made changes to the shotgun. Chapter 1 offered a single shotgun type, which ended up vaulted, as too many players relied on it. At the time, the move resulted in a bit of controversy, but Ninja doesn't seem to be the only one that dislikes the weapon. Several players have railed against the weapon on social media since it was added as part of Fortnite: Chapter 2.

Do you agree with Ninja about the gray Pump? Should Epic get rid of the weapon altogether? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!