Here Are The Top Ten Best-Selling Nintendo GameCube Games Of All-Time

3. Super Mario Sunshine4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker5. Luigi's Mansion6. Metroid Prime7. [...]

(Photo: Nintendo)

The Nintendo GameCube was far from Nintendo's most successful piece of video game hardware, but it does have a special place in the hearts of many. Further, it had quite a few great games.

That said, NPD Group's Mat Piscatella has revealed the top ten best-selling Nintendo GameCube games in the United States of all-time. And as you would expect, there's a lot of Mario.

Here's the full top ten:

1. Super Smash Bros. Melee

2. Mario Kart: Double Dash (the reason I personally bough a GameCube)

3. Super Mario Sunshine

4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

5. Luigi's Mansion

6. Metroid Prime

7. Animal Crossing

8. Sonic Adventures 2

9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

10. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

If you were around and gaming during the somewhat short-lived GameCube era, most of this list won't be that surprising, especially the top games. That said, while Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a well-regarded game, I'm surprised it snuck in there. Further, the fact that Sonic Adventures 2 was the best-selling third-party game -- and the only one to make the top ten -- is pretty surprising, especially when you consider the war of Sega Vs. Nintendo was still fresh in the memory of many.

And I'm not alone, many Nintendo fans were surprised by some of the top-ten list.

Anyway, what's your favorite GameCube game? Mine: Double Dash, of course.