
Nintendo Releasing Beautiful Orange And White Nintendo 2DS XL System

The New Nintendo 2DS XL system is gaining some good ground with Nintendo, with the original black […]

The New Nintendo 2DS XL system is gaining some good ground with Nintendo, with the original black and blue model selling very well for the company. And there’s no question that the Pokemon model that was announced today will do great, too, along with the exclusive Japanese Pikachu model. But there’s one more color that’s on the way that a few fans will want to take notice of.

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During today’s Nintendo Direct, the publisher revealed that a new color of the New Nintendo 2DS XL will arrive this October, in the form of an orange and white model. It looks really cool, and will mark the first time that the system is aviaalble in the U.S., as it was previously made available in both Australia and New Zealand.

The system will release on October 6th, just in time for the Christmas holiday rush, and it will be available for $150. If you take a close look, you can see the orange and white themes pouring out onto the system, including a cool orange D-pad and a streamlined design along the edge of the system. Yes, we want it.

And more than likely, the system will be cheaper than the Pokemon model that will release later on, which is sure to go for around $200 โ€“ a price point hasn’t been revealed yet, so that’s an estimated guess. But previous systems with the Pokemon brand sold for higher than the usual amount, so that wouldn’t really surprise us.

This looks to be a fun gift for the holiday season, as we know a few fans, old and young alike, that wouldn’t mind getting their hands on the system. Pre-orders are likely to open up for it soon, especially since it’ll be available in just a few weeks’ time.