Previously Cancelled Nintendo Switch Game to Now Release in July

This long-awaited Switch game is finally arriving in mere weeks.

A game for Nintendo Switch, Switch Lite, and Switch OLED platforms that was canceled back in 2020 will now be launching this coming month. Originally released in 2018, developer Keoken Interactive let loose its sci-fi puzzle game Deliver Us The Moon on PC before later bringing it to PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. Although a Nintendo Switch version was at one point in the works, this port was later scrapped, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, all of these years later, Deliver Us The Moon will make good on its past promise to arrive on Switch.

Announced in a new trailer today, Keoken Interactive and Wired Productions revealed that Deliver Us The Moon will drop on Switch in less than a month on July 16th. This version of the game will be identical to those seen on other platforms, but it will not be playable on-the-go thanks to the capabilities of the Switch. As for its price, it's expected to retail for $24.99, which is the same cost it's sold at on other platforms. 

The one unique thing about Deliver Us The Moon for Nintendo Switch is that all sales from the game on this platform will go towards Keoken Interactive's next entry in the series. At this point in time, Keoken is running a Kickstarter for Deliver Us Home, which is the follow-up installment to Deliver Us The Moon. Sales that are generated from the Switch release will be put toward this Kickstarted as the project continues to push toward its goal of raising a little more than $107,000. So if you want to see Deliver Us Home become a reality, you might want to consider buying Deliver Us The Moon on Switch. 

If you're unfamiliar with Deliver Us The Moon and would like to learn more about the title, you can check out its new trailer and synopsis attached below. 

Deliver Us The Moon

"Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future where Earth's natural resources are depleted. In an effort to solve the energy crisis, global powers created the World Space Agency and secured a promising new source of energy on the moon.

The World Space Agency colonized and operated from the moon until one fateful night all communications with Earth ceased and the energy source was lost. Now, years later, you assume the role of Earth's last astronaut on a do-or-die mission to investigate what happened and save humanity.

During this adventure, your only companion is a small robot named ASE. Together you will traverse the moon, explore abandoned facilities, gather clues and ultimately uncover the secrets and hidden agendas of those long gone!

Will you save mankind or be forgotten in the dark abyss of Space?"