Mutant Mudds Studio Atooi Games Has 3 Games Planned for Switch in 2018

, Watsham teased three new releases planned for 2018, a good sign for the studio that only [...]

(Photo: Atooi)

Indie game studio Atooi Games is looking forward to an eventful 2018, according to a recent tweet by founder Jools Watsham. While promoting the release of the Mutant Mudds Collection (out now for Nintendo Switch), Watsham teased three new releases planned for 2018, a good sign for the studio that only recently saw the effects of the dying 3DS indie market. Here is what he had to say when delivering the good news:

Earlier this year, Atooi and a few other indie game developers watched as the market for indie games on 3DS finally took its last breath. "Sadly, I believe the Nintendo 3DS eShop is dead for 'Nindies,'" Watsom wrote in a blog post. "The audience that buys indie titles on Nintendo platforms has moved on to the Switch." Thankfully, the studio didn't let them stop them, and instead rolled with the tide onto the Switch for what looks like a successful release. The Mutant Mudds Collection recently featured in an indie holiday sale, and three new games on the horizon sounds pretty promising.

Atooi and Watsham have yet to provide specifics on exactly what the studio is working on. With any luck, another shot at the 3DS game that took the brunt of that previously-mentioned indie fallout, Chicken Wiggle, could be on the horizon for a platform that doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon.