Nioh 3 Not in Development, But Ninja Gaiden News Coming Soon

In a new interview with The Gamer, Nioh series director Fumihiko Yasuda claims that there are no [...]

In a new interview with The Gamer, Nioh series director Fumihiko Yasuda claims that there are no current plans to create a new entry in the series following last year's release of Nioh 2. While that might be a bit disheartening for fans of the franchise, Yasuda did not shut the door on a future sequel. Instead, the director claims that he wants Team Ninja to focus on new projects, with the intention of going back to the franchise further down the line. That way the series will stay fresh, and the team can bring new ideas to the table.

"In terms of a sequel right now, Team Ninja would like to focus on working on new titles, so there really isn't a plan for Nioh 3 at this point," Yasuda told The Gamer. "But after creating some new projects and gaining some new experience and skills from those new potential projects, I would like to go back to the series at some point, utilize all the experience and new skills that we gain from some new projects, and then potentially, go back into the series at that point, and create an even greater game to surpass Nioh and Nioh 2 and to create something even better."

While the Nioh series might not receive another game for quite some time, Team Ninja seems to be hinting at plans for the Ninja Gaiden franchise. Later in the interview, Yasuda was asked about the series, as well as its star, Ryu Hyabusa. Yasuda's comments are cryptic, but they seem to indicate that something is on the way.

"Yeah, so that character is the most important character from all of our franchises," Yasuda told The Gamer. "So, considering he's so important, I would definitely like to have him make an appearance again in a game coming soon, and I would like to announce details about that in the future, as soon as possible."

Yasuda's comments about Hyabusa are interesting, to say the least! If Team Ninja is indeed focused on newer projects, it seems unlikely that a new Ninja Gaiden game is currently in the works. Of course, it's worth noting that Hayabusa has long been rumored as a DLC fighter for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and there are still three spots left in the game's Fighter's Pass Vol. 2 DLC. All three remaining fighters will likely be announced by the end of 2021, so it's entirely possible that Yasuda's hint could relate to a Hayabusa appearance in that game, as opposed to a new Ninja Gaiden game.

For now, fans of Nioh and Ninja Gaiden will just have to be patient and see what comes next for both franchises!

Are you disappointed that there won't be a new Nioh in the near future? What do you think the future holds for Ninja Gaiden? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about all things gaming!