PlayStation Plus Subscribers Losing One of Their Best Free Games

PlayStation Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium subscribers are losing one of the best "free" games available to all those that are subscribed to the two more expensive tiers of the subscription service. For those that don't know, PS Plus is available in three forms. There is the cheapest form which is PlayStation Plus Essential. This is just the original version of the subscription service that gives out a few "free games" every month. Then there's PlayStation Plus Extra, which is this plus access to a vast library of PS4 and PS5 games. And then there's PlayStation Plus Plus Premium, which is PS Plus Extra, plus access to a library of legacy games spanning the PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSP. So, this departure doesn't concern PS Plus Essential subscribers, but it does concern all other subscribers.

The game in question is from Ubisoft and it's the latest and most popular installment in the Assassin's Creed series. That's right, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is leaving PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium libraries. More specifically, it's leaving on December 20. This is a big blow to subscribers as it's easily one of the most popular games available through the subscription service. And unfortunately, a month isn't a super long time to beat it before it leaves. The main story alone is 60 hours. If you want to do the main story and the more compelling side content you're looking at 90 to 100 hours. And God help you if you want to 100 percent the game before then as that requires roughly 140 to 150 hours. 

Of course, there's a chance the game will return in the future, but if it does, it's not going to be for a while as once a game leaves it often leaves permanently or at least for a couple of years because otherwise PlayStation and Ubisoft would just renew the deal so it never leaves in the first place.

"The Assassin's Creed franchise has come quite a long way since the original, and though there have been some missteps along the way, Ubisoft breathed new life into the franchise with Origins and then refined the experience further and crafted one of the best assassins in the franchise in Assassin's Creed Odyssey," reads the opening of our review of the game. "Now comes Assassin's Creed Valhalla, a game that seeks to forge its own unique identity while bringing back elements from past entries in fresh new ways. That's a tall and ambitious order, but Valhalla pulls it all off with flair, weaving all of these disparate elements into a delightfully compelling whole."
