
Pokemon Go Players Share Awesome Real-Life PokeStop Video


Today is Fennekin Community Day, and Pokemon Go fans around the world are out playing the game. Players in Toronto’s High Park might have noticed a very cool sight, as a real-life PokeStop could be found in the location on Community Day. The PokeStop was built by engineer Chris “Captain Steel” Thiele, and looks just like it does in Pokemon Go. By pressing a blue button on the PokeStop, it not only spins, but it also dispenses a gift, just like when a player spins one in the game! Last but not least, players that check out the PokeStop have a chance of snagging a crocheted plush of Fennekin or Shiny Fennekin!

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A video of the working PokeStop can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

The real-life PokeStop has appeared around Canada throughout past Pokemon Go Community Day events. During last month’s Togepi Community Day, the PokeStop appeared in Pickering, Ontario, and in Ontario’s Riverside Park in February. The crocheted plushes were created by Nikki McMulkin, who runs the Twitter account @KatzersCreation. Players that didn’t get a chance to check out the real-life PokeStop today can follow the Captain Steel Twitter account to find out where it’ll pop up next!

Since Pokemon Go launched in 2016, the game has built-up a passionate community around the world. This real-life PokeStop showcases the ingenuity of the fan community, and how the game has helped players bond. Mobile games tend to have pretty limited lifespans, and it’s a testament to the game’s community that Pokemon Go continues to thrive after nearly seven years. There’s been a lot of frustration among the game’s community over the last month or so stemming from the recent changes to Remote Raids. Thiele and McMulkin have shared their frustrations on that topic as well, but have pledged to continue going out for future Community Day events.

Did you have a chance to participate in today’s Community Day in Pokemon Go? Have you been lucky enough to see the real-life PokeStop? Letusknowin thecommentsorshare your thoughts directly onTwitter andonHiveatย @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!