
Pokemon Go Fest 2025 Reveals Full Dates and Details

Osaka, Jersey City, and Paris will all host events this year. 

With Pokemon Go Tour now in the rearview mirror, Niantic’s focus has shifted to the game’s next big in-person event. This year, the festivities will take place in Osaka, Japan, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Paris, France. Of course, fans that won’t be able to attend will still get a chance to participate in a Global event, which will take place at the end of June. Tickets are now on sale for all 3 events at the game’s official website, and there’s special early bird pricing good through April 2nd. The full list of dates and locations can be found below:

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  • May 29th – June 1st-ย Osaka, Japan
  • June 6th – June 8th-ย Jersey City, NJ
  • June 13th – June 15th- Paris, France
  • June 28th – June 29th- Pokemon Go Fest – Global
if you need a volcanion in pokemon home, this is your perfect chance

One of the biggest highlights of this year’s event is that players will be able to obtain Volcanion in the game for the very first time. The Mythical Pokemon is a Fire/Water-type that first appeared in Gen VI. Like most Mythical Pokemon, opportunities to get Volcanion tend to be pretty sparse, so not only is this a great way to get it in Pokemon Go, but it’s also a chance to transfer it to Pokemon Home, as well. Like previous Mythical Pokemon introduced through Pokemon Go Fest events, Volcanion will be available exclusively through Special Research obtained by purchasing either a ticket to an in-person event, or through a ticket that will be sold in the game’s Shop. The Pokemon will likely be made available to all players at some point in the future, but it can take at least a few months to a year for that to happen.

In addition to Volcanion, new forms for Zacian and Zamazenta will be making their debuts in Pokemon Go. The two legendary Pokemon first appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and have been available in Pokemon Go for several years now. However, only their standard forms have been in the mobile game. During Pokemon Go Fest, players can expect to see Crowned Sword Zacian and Crowned Shield Zamazenta for the first time. Niantic seems to be hyping up the two Pokemon in a big way for this event, with Zacian and Zamazenta appearing on a bunch of Pokemon Go Fest 2025 merchandise, including a t-shirt, hoodie, tote bag, and lapel pin. There will also be backpacks that feature Pikachu, Gengar, and Wobuffet, and those that purchase these real world items will also receive a corresponding avatar item in the game.

While we still have a few months until the event, fans that purchase a global event ticket by April 15th will be able to get some exclusive Timed Research in Pokemon Go. The Timed Research will be available between April 8th at 10 a.m. and April 15th at 10 a.m. local time. The Timed Research will result in an encounter with Skiddo.

Are you excited for Pokemon Go Fest 2025? Do you still need a Volcanion in Pokemon Home? Share your thoughts with me directly on Bluesky atย @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram atย @Dachampgaming!