Pokemon are in no short supply in Pokemon Go with Pokemon popping up literally everywhere you walk, but it’s no surprise that some are more desirable than others. Whether you want to build a strong team to fight gyms, create a themed team, or just want to catch some of your all-time favorites, there are certain Pokemon that inevitably rise to the top of the most wanted list.
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In a data analysis created over at the Decluttr blog that was repeated from last year, the site checked search volume for each of the 50 U.S. states to see what kinds of Pokemon that Pokemon Go players in each state were on the hunt for so far in 2017. Some of these Pokemon that most people search for seem like no-brainers, some players have turned their attention to Generation II Pokemon, and others are remaining optimistic and are trying to figure out how to get their hands on a Legendary Pokemon.
Check some of the most searched for Pokemon right here as well as which states are pining after the catches.
Generation II Pokemon
Togepiย didn’t top the states’ charts by any means with the egg Pokemon only showing up in one out of 50 results, but Generation II Pokemonย unsurprisingly made an appearance within the data.
The Pokemonย found in Generation II didn’t release until this year, but that didn’t stop them from appearing on the charts several times as players looked to add to their collection after seeing the same old Pidgey and Rattataย all over the place.
Togepiย was New Hampshire’s pick for the most wanted Pokemon, followed by seven other states that are huntig for Generation II Pokemonย that include Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wyoming.
Gym Defenders
While some states were looking for old favorites and others were looking for new addtionsย to their team, others seemed to be looking to build themselves a strong gym-fighting force.
These powerful gym defenders can be difficult toย get themselves, and some of them are also the more memorable Pokemon from the games, but it’s likely not a coincidence that they can be some of the most imposing Pokemonย to face when trying to take down a rival team’s gym.
Kansas and Michigan were two states that were looking for Dragonite to add to their team, but the Dragon Pokemonย wasn’t the only beefy defender on the list. Snorlaxย was searched for most in Washington and California, and the new Tyranitarย was most looked for in Rhodeย Island.
The Starter Pokemon
Classic Pokemonย reigned supreme on the charts with the starter Pokemonย from Generation I being some of the top Pokemonย that players wanted to catch.
Some of the desire to catch these Pokemonย can likely be attributed to choosing your starters in the earlyย Pokemonย games. Choosing the starter was a tough decision for many, and ditching that starter Pokemonย along the journey wasn’t even something that crossed many Trainers’ minds.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtleย all mad their way into the states’ charts in a big way showing up two, one, and two times respectively with their evolutions showing up as well. Charizard and Blastoise both showed up once each, but Venusaurย got no love in the searches.
Legendary Pokemon
While Legendary Pokemon haven’t yet made their appearance inย Pokemonย Go, an event that many Trainers are anxiously waiting for, that didn’t stop these powerful Pokemonย form appearing on the list as players hopefully searched for how they could get their hands on the rare Pokemon.
The two Legendaries that players were most excited to find were understandably Mewtwoย and Mew. Mew showed up as the most wanted in Louisiana and Indiana while Mewtwoย persisted from last year’s results as the most desired Pokemonย in Florida.
Rumors of these Legendary Pokemonย are common though, and one was recently debunked as a fake. Despite the fake rumors, players are still hopeful that Legendariesย will make an appearance soon.
Eevee And Its Evolutions
If you want to add some diversity to yourย Pokemonย Goย team, catching a couple of Eevee’s is the way to go. The Pokemonย has a couple of different paths that it can take as far as evolution goes, paths that were only expanded with the release of the Generation II Pokemonย that introduced both Umbreon and Espeonย into the mix, Pokemon that showed up three times and once, respectively.
As far as one individual Pokemonย goes, Eeveeย comes in at the No. 2 most searched for Pokemonย with four different states including Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, and Nevada hunting for the Pokemonย to evolve. With all the different evolution options, a strong supply of candy for Eeveeย is a must-have, so it makes sense that many players would be searching for it.
This is one of those answers mentioned before that’s an easy pick for what the most sought after Pokemon is inย Pokemonย Go. The data from last year’s analysis changed a bit from this year’s results, but Pikachu still tops the chart as the most wanted Pokemonย inย Pokemonย Go.
Being the poster Pokemonย of the games and one of the most memorable video game characters of a generation, Pikachuย certainly deserves the No. 1 spot. Pikachuย was the most searched for Pokemonย in Mississippi, Deleware, Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennesseeย for the year with it’s evolution, Raichu, topping the list in Idaho.
Didn’t See Your State Listed?
If you didn’t see your state listed in the list of who was looking for which Pokemon, that doesn’t mean that it was totally left out. The previous Pokemonย were some of the most searched for inย Pokemonย Go, but there’s plenty more states to talk about that bring more diversity to the list.
Below is the full list of which states were hunting after which Pokemon, courtesy of Decluttr.
Alabama | Para |
Alaskaย | Eevee |
Arizona | Pikachu |
Arkansas | Blastoise |
California | Snorlax |
Colorado | Abra |
Connecticut | Charmander |
Delaware | Pikachu |
Florida | Mewtwo |
Georgia | Ditto |
Hawaii | Eevee |
Idaho | Raichu |
Illinois | Eevee |
Indiana | Mew |
Iowa | Vaporeon |
Kansas | Dragonite |
Kentucky | Pichu |
Louisiana | Mew |
Maine | Bulbasaur |
Maryland | Kabuto |
Massachusetts | Ditto |
Michigan | Dragonite |
Minnesota | Umbreon |
Mississippi | Pikachu |
Missouri | Ditto |
Montana | Smeargle |
Nebraska | Para |
Nevada | Eevee |
New Hampshire | Togepi |
New Jersey | Charizard |
New Mexico | Jigglypuff |
New York | Charizard |
North Carolina | Pikachu |
North Dakota | Abra |
Ohio | Pikachu |
Oklahoma | Squirtle |
Oregon | Gyarados |
Pennsylvania | Squirtle |
Rhode Island | Tyranitar |
South Carolina | Gengar |
South Dakota | Espeon |
Tennessee | Pikachu |
Texas | Bulbasaur |
Utah | Umbreon |
Vermontย | Golem |
Virginia | Kabuto |
Washington | Snorlax |
West Virginia | Flareon |
Wisconsin | Vulpix |
Wyoming | Umbreon |
[via Decluttr]