
Pokemon Fans Impressed With New Scarlet and Violet DLC Trailer

Pokemon fans are commenting on seemingly improved graphics in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s DLC.

A new trailer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s DLC is impressing fans with what appears to be upgraded graphics for the Kitikami region. Today, Nintendo released two new trailers for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, providing fans with a new look at the upcoming DLC that will come out in just two weeks. Surprisingly, the trailer shows what appears to be upgraded graphics, with many fans impressed by the look of the DLC. It’s unclear whether the trailer shows true in-game footage, but you can check out the trailer below and decide for yourself: 

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At least some of the comments surrounding the improved graphics involve improved landscape features like rice patties, various tree designs, and even improved water effects. Of course, it’ll be hard to know for certain until the game actually comes out for the Nintendo Switch and many of the graphical complaints from the original games involved the severe lag that occurred in certain areas, such as by water. 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s DLC Explained

The Teal Mask is the first of two DLC packets due out for release this year. Set in the new region of Kitakami, The Teal Mask will focus on the new Legendary Pokemon Ogerpon and the new Pokemon Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti. All four of these Pokemon are heavily inspired by the Momotari folk story from Japan. The DLC will also feature Dipplin, a new evolution of Applin that resembles a candied apple, and will introduce a new 19th Tera Type, whose abilities are currently unknown. Also appearing in the game is Poltchageist, a new Pokemon that looks similar to Polteageist but is a separate species and is based off of a matcha tea set.

A second DLC – The Indigo Disc – will be released later this year and will introduce Raging Bolt and Iron Crown, two new Paradox Pokemon based on Raikou and Coballion, the Duraludon evolution Archaludon, and the Legendary Pokemon Terapagos.