Metal Gear Survive, an upcoming action-survival game from Konami, has officially began its short-run open beta on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The franchise’s latest installment is due out in February of this year, but ahead of its release, players can log on over the course of this weekend and see what the game has to offer so far. The open beta will run until January 21st, and there’s plenty to do to fill that time.
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The open beta will give players an early shot at co-op mode, where a squad of up to 4 players team up and battle the odds as a unit. The beta features two stages — called Wrecked Base and Deserted Mine — along with 3 different missions to complete. Additionally, those who choose to participate in the open beta will take home some sweet prizes to use when the game officially releases. These include a FOXHOUND name plate, and two accessories: a bandanna and the Metal Gear REX head.
There isn’t much else when it comes to story, but any major narrative elements are more than likely being saved for the full game. Metal Gear Survive functions as something of a spin-off of Metal Gear Solid V, so the world isn’t new or uncharted in a way.
If you’re looking to hop into the beta, keep in mind that Metal Gear Survive requires a constant internet connection, and micro-transactions are definitely going to be a thing in-game. If you can get past that, then you’ve got a good few days’ worth of play time ahead of you, especially if you have friends online to run missions with. Should players decide to pre-order the game once they play the beta, they’ll be issued a pre-order bonus survival pack, which contains tons of helpful items to use in the game.
Metal Gear Survive releases on February 20th for Xbox One, and PC.