New Upgraded PS5 Controller Possibly Leaked

Are Sony about to release a new PS5 controller?

It looks like Sony may be working a new and upgraded version of the PS5 DualSense controller. With the PS5, Sony released a brand new type of controller, abandoning its DualShock model it had during the PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 eras. Whether it will continue with the DualSense with the PS6 or bring back the DualShock, remains to be seen. Some seem to prefer the new DualSense, but it seems most prefer the DualShock build. Whatever the case, this is looking far ahead. Before this it looks like Sony may release another DualSense controller that makes gaming easier for more casual fans of the hobby. 

How do we know this? Well, a new Sony patent has been published show a DualSense with a touchscreen in place of the touchpad. And this screen lites up with the controller's buttons to nudge and prompt users of inputs. In other words, the controller guides the player through the series of inputs. 

Right now, this is just a patent. And Sony patents all type of things, many of which either neither evolve beyond the conceptual stage into actual products or that transform radically over time that they hardly represent the original patent. This is to say, take this information with a grain of salt. This would not be the first Sony patent to go absolutely nowhere and it won't be the last. 

At the moment of publishing, Sony has not commented on the patent in question nor the speculation it has created. It never comments on patents or speculation, so we don't expect this to change, but if for some reason this pattern is broken and it does, we will be sure to update story accordingly. In the meantime, and as always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. What do you think of this new patent? Would you be interested in a controller like this?

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H/T, Insider Gaming.