Red Dead Redemption 2 Support For PS4 Pro, Xbox One X Confirmed

In case you missed it earlier today, Red Dead Redemption 2 got one hell of a gameplay reveal [...]

In case you missed it earlier today, Red Dead Redemption 2 got one hell of a gameplay reveal earlier today, with approximately just over six minutes of footage showing what kind of adventure players are in for. And there's a lot to unpack, between camps, a morale system, lots of gunplay and the return of the Dead Eye system.

There's more footage to come, but an interesting footnote was missed when the gameplay made its debut -- and that's where it originally came from.

Based on this note from the PlayStation Blog, the footage was captured via the PlayStation 4 Pro. "Captured entirely from in-game footage on PlayStation 4 Pro, watch this introduction to Red Dead Redemption 2's gameplay in 4K."

But for those that are concerned that the Xbox One X will be left out of all the fun, we can help you rest at ease. Rockstar Games has confirmed that the system will be supported by the game, complete with HDR. So no matter which way you play, it'll look remarkable in full-on 4K. And for those with the original Xbox One and PlayStation 4 hardware, it'll still look good for you as well.

No specific details were given outside of that, but you can bet that, over the next few days, a few different websites will likely have technical breakdowns of what to expect from this support. But as you can see from the footage above, Rockstar Games is more than up to task when it comes to making Red Dead Redemption 2 look more amazing than the last game. And we've only seen bits and pieces of it -- the next promised bit of footage, which should debut sometime in the next few weeks, is likely to be even better.

For now, you can relive the epic stuff that we've gotten thus far. Again, it's a lot to take in and it really does set up what could be one of the year's best games. We can't wait to get our hands on it, honestly. Even if it's just a quick poker game with friends.

Red Dead Redemption 2 releases on October 26 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.