Report: Huge 'Red Dead Redemption 2' Map Spoiler Revealed

Dutch media outlet has revealed a huge Red Dead Redemption 2 map spoiler as part of [...]

Red Dead Redemption2

Dutch media outlet has revealed a huge Red Dead Redemption 2 map spoiler as part of its recent preview coverage.


According to the aforementioned outlet, Red Dead Redemption 2's map will include the entire map of the first game in addition to a swath of new areas, which perhaps explains how and why the game features the biggest map Rockstar Games has ever created.

According to the outlet, this was information passed along by an official Rockstar PR representative.

Interestingly, not longer after this news started to make the rounds, redacted the claim, seemingly after Rockstar Games reached out to change it, as it likely violated NDA. After all it's a pretty significant reveal, one it was probably saving for either closer to launch, or for players to discover naturally.

It's also possible that the claim was walked back because it was incorrect, though this seems less likely, especially given how the claim was specifically edited out.

The original article, before it was edited, read as follows:

Q: "Are Armadillo and New Austin in the game?"

"Yup! After asking Rockstar they told me the entire map of Red Dead Redemption is also in the game, but that of course there are many more areas added. In the six hours I played I only got to see a small part of Blackwater, and even that was already gigantic. Six hours was not enough to see any of the other familiar places."

The article now reads:

"Now we could answer that question, but in good consultation with Rockstar we ultimately do not want to give away too many spoilers. But let's keep it that the map is big. Very large, much larger thanthe first Red Dead Redemption."

As you can see, the new response suggests that the information is indeed true, but the outlet issued a redaction after Rockstar Games contacted it. However, at this point, we can't know exactly what happened.

It seems likely the outlet was correct and had to redact the statement for legal purposes, but it's also possible they were incorrect, and thus had to redact it because Rockstar didn't want false information making its way around the Internet. The former seems more likely, but who knows.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is poised to release worldwide on October 26 via the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For more news, media, and information on the title, click here.

Thanks, RockstarIntel.