
Red Dead Redemption 2 Actor Says Rockstar NDAs Are Stricter Than Marvel’s

Rockstar keeps its actors on a tighter leash than Marvel, apparently.

Red Dead Redemption 2 actor Roger Clark says Rockstar Games’ NDAs are even stricter than Marvel’s. Over the last decade or so, working on major entertainment productions has become an incredibly secretive affair. Marvel and Star Wars are known for being some of the most secretive with the former reportedly not even telling all of the actors what the full story of the movie is. It can be a bit annoying, but it is all done to help maintain the secrecy of the films and ensure there are some surprises for fans when they go to see the movie. However, this has also become a thing in games, particularly ones from Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar Games.

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The developer is known for having a major amount of secrecy, only choosing to share a handful of details in the lead up to its release. Sometimes fans are able to deduce which actors are playing certain characters by looking at the faces of the character model or listening to their voice, but often times the cast isn’t officially revealed to the public until the game actually releases. With that said, Arthur Morgan actor Roger Clark told the GLHF podcast that Rockstar Games’ NDAs are stricter than Marvel’s. The reason he knows this is because one of his co-stars, Benjamin Byron Davis, is friends with Star-Lord himself, Chris Pratt. The two compared NDAs and came away with the conclusion that Rockstar is more strict with what actors can and can not say or do than Marvel.

Unfortunately, Clark didn’t provide any specific examples where the differences lie. With that said, other Rockstar actors have spoken about this in the past. Some have even exiled themselves from social media during production to avoid any kind of slip-ups. Grand Theft Auto V actor Ned Luke told a story about how someone he knows in real life pointed out on social media that Luke was in the game when the first trailer was revealed and he had to scramble to get it deleted. So far, there haven’t been any credible slip ups with the cast of Grand Theft Auto VI, as far as we know, but the game did suffer a pretty significant leak last year when Rockstar Games was hacked.