Secretlab revealed on Monday the next evolution of its gaming chairs: The 2022 Series headlined by the aptly named “Titan Evo” line of chairs. The jump from the 2020 Series to the one announced this week is accompanied by a number of different improvements made including a revamped lumbar support mechanism, a new base for all of the seats, and several other notable changes that’ll be immediately recognizable to anyone who’s already shopped around for a Secretlab chair. For those who haven’t before, some of the changes made have even streamlined the shopping process to help decisions be made easier. The chairs are available to order now via Secretlab’s website.
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These new 2022 Series Titan Evo chairs come in three main variants: The “S,” the “R,” and the “XL.” Each of those chairs is named according to the size specifications it accommodates similar to the “Omega” and “Titan” variants from the 2020 Series, and the chairs come in either a hybrid leatherette feel to them or the “Secretlab SoftWeave Plus” fabric.
Usher in a new evolution of science-driven comfort with the all-new Secretlab TITAN Evo 2022. All our advancements in the science of sitting โ now combined in one chair.
โ Secretlab (@secretlabchairs) July 12, 2021
#SecretlabTitanEvo #ergonomics #gamingchair
If you’re looking to compare the 2020 Series to the 2022, the biggest difference is that each of these Titan Evo chairs adopts the same kind of “pebble seat base” Secretlab has come up with. This base combines parts of the old Omega and Titan chairs with slightly raised edges like the Omega had while the width resembles more of the Titan’s base. From experiencing a Titan Evo already courtesy of Secretlab, it feels more like the Titan than the Omega if you’re comparing the two.
A less obvious change is the new lumbar support system, but it’s one that becomes more evident once you configure your desired seating setup. All the chairs now come with two knobs which can move the built-in lumbar support in different ways (the Omega came with a lumbar pillow while the Titan had a one-knob system).
Secretlab also leaned in more to its magnet technologies with two other changes: The new head pillow and the armrests. Instead of using a band that wraps around the back of the chair, the pillow is now magnetic and can be moved up and down within a certain range of the backrest. The top of the armrests attach magnetically, too, to allow for owners to swap them out with more premium armrests purchased through Secretlab.
Speaking to Secretlab’s Alaric Choo and Vincent Sin prior to the launch of the chairs, the pair said the company had put together an “Ergonomics Advisory Board” consisting of experts in various fields to come up with these changes. They said feedback from consumers specifically influenced the changes made to both the head pillow and the new seat base.
Secretlab’s new improvements do come with slightly higher prices. The leatherette versions start at $429 for the S, $449 for the R, and $499 for the XL. The SoftWeave variants are a bit more expensive at $449, $469, and $519, respectively. While the old Series 2020 chairs will be retired, partnerships for the special-edition chairs will be available at launch on Monday, Secretlab said.
Secretlab’s 2022 Series chairs launch on Monday and can be seen through the company’s site.
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