Sega Dreamcast Exclusive Finally Coming to Modern Consoles
Rainbow Cotton will no longer be a Sega Dreamcast exclusive starting in 2024.
It's been more than 20 years since the Sega Dreamcast was discontinued, but amazingly enough, there are still games for the system that have never been released elsewhere. That will be changing for at least one game in the near future, as Rainbow Cotton will be coming to modern platforms in 2024. Originally released in 2000, Rainbow Cotton is a 3D rail-shooter similar to games like Panzer Dragoon. Unlike Panzer Dragoon, Rainbow Cotton features brighter visuals and a more lighthearted atmosphere. Players take on the role of Cotton, a young witch trying to rescue the stolen Willow candy.
A trailer for Rainbow Cotton can be found below.
Rainbow Cotton Release Date
As of this writing, ININ and Success have not announced a firm release date for Rainbow Cotton, but the game is expected to arrive in Spring 2024. The former Dreamcast exclusive will be available on just about all current platforms, including Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. The new version of the game will feature several improvements, including improved controls and graphics, and a full localization, which will now extend to the game's anime cut scenes. Purists can also check out a dedicated retro mode, which will be "replicating the original experience as closely as possible." Those interested in trying out the series ahead of time will be happy to know that several games in the Cotton series are currently available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.
The Dreamcast Era
Over the last few years, the Sega Dreamcast has gained a reputation as one of the video game industry's most underrated consoles. The system had a small but dedicated following during its time on the market, but Dreamcast failed to catch on with a wider audience. A big part of that was the failure of the Sega Saturn, which seemed to haunt the far superior Dreamcast. More than two decades after the system's release, many of its games are still considered classics, including Sonic Adventure 2, Skies of Arcadia, and Jet Set Radio. While many of those games have been ported to other systems over the years, some of the very best aren't available on current platforms, for one reason or another. Hopefully Rainbow Cotton will show publishers that there's still a lot of demand for Dreamcast games!
Will There Be a Dreamcast Mini?
Sega has released several mini consoles over the years, including designs based on the Sega Genesis and the Game Gear. Naturally, that led to speculation that a Dreamcast Mini might also see release. Sadly, that has never happened, and rumors suggest Sega did have an interest in making one, but it would have cost around $300. That price was apparently a deal-breaker for Sega, and the Dreamcast Mini never came to be. Hopefully that void will be filled remasters and re-releases like Rainbow Cotton, at the very least!
Are you excited for Rainbow Cotton to come to modern platforms? Did you play the game on Dreamcast? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
[H/T: Nintendo Everything]