New Silent Hill Game Released Today for Free on PS5

Silent Hill: The Short Message is free right now on PS5.

A new Silent Hill game has been released for free on PlayStation 5, a la PT. The Silent Hill franchise has been dormant for roughly a decade now as Konami largely pulled itself out of AAA gaming last generation. This came as a huge bummer to fans as Silent Hill was a seminal horror franchise for years, rivaling the likes of Resident Evil. It almost made a big comeback on PlayStation 4 as Hideo Kojima was working on a new game called Silent Hills. It was unfortunately scrapped after a very promising surprise demo known as PT. It was one of the most terrifying horror games out there, but the series died for the better part of a decade after that game was canceled. In 2022, Konami promised a bunch of new Silent Hill games including a remake of Silent Hill 2, but has remained quiet on what these games would look like since then.

Today, fans were surprised to see a new Silent Hill game was announced and released... and it looks tonally similar to PT. The new game, known as Silent Hill: The Short Message, follows a young woman who is looking for her friend in a nightmare-ish apartment block that is infamous for suicides. She is unable to leave until she solves a supernatural mystery which will bend her reality and send her on a terrifying psychological journey. Silent Hill: The Short Message is out now for free exclusively on PlayStation 5. It's unclear how long the game is or if it has any replayability, but you should probably expect it to only be a few hours long at most. It's also unknown if this will be connected to any future Silent Hill games or if it's totally standalone. You can view a description of the game and the trailer below.

"Following messages from her friend Maya, Anita finds herself at a crumbling apartment block, infamous for rumors of suicides. Drawn inside, Anita soon finds her sense of reality shattered as she encounters bizarre, otherworldly spaces, haunted by a twisted monster. Maya's message was clear — ""can't leave til you find it"" — but what is it that Anita is really looking for?"