Spyro The Dragon Gets Its Own Honest Game Trailer

With another Tuesday upon us, the team at Smosh Games has dropped another Honest Game Trailer in [...]

With another Tuesday upon us, the team at Smosh Games has dropped another Honest Game Trailer in our lap. And this time around, it's revisiting the classic Spyro the Dragon series, starting with the PlayStation version that started it all and eventually making its way through the darker entries in the series – and, of course, Skylanders.

The Honest Game Trailer, which can be seen above, treats its hero a little more fairly than it did with Crash Bandicoot a few weeks back. Instead of calling him washed up, it instead points out Spyro's different exploits, including his desire to hunt down and scorch sheep in the original game (the narrator even wonders if it's a race thing), and free dragons that basically ignore him because he's much smaller than them.

"Even fire breathing monsters can become adorable platformer mascots," the narrator says at the beginning, before digging in to the history of the series. He also notes that it's the most kid-pandering storyline since Ender's Game. (Well, with some games, maybe.)

There's also an exploration of the characters that are featured in the game (including Moneybags and a weird half-human/half-goat woman), before you get a rundown of his abilities – including his necessity of having to collect everything to 100 percent the game.

He also notes that the game has a "basic-ass combat system that gets the job done, but not much more." Sure, but the controls still work great, and, hey, you get to burn up sheep. Er, wait, maybe he has a point. Man, we're sadistic.

The Honest Game Trailer also looks at the later games, including The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (which basically has him "doing a Sonic") and eventually making his way into mediocre handheld games and then Skylanders. The narrator notes that it's the most depressing thing to happen to a game character since Dante's rebirth in DmC: Devil May Cry.

The trailer's getting good traction, and, hopefully, Activision will consider doing that Spyro the Dragon HD trilogy that we've been suggesting for some time now. Sure, Skylanders was fun, but we need the old games again – and how.