Captain Kathryn Janeway is coming to Star Trek Online with Kate Mulgrew returning as her voice. can reveal that Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios are bringing Captain Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager to Star Trek Online for the first time in Shadow’s Advance. The update, celebrating Star Trek Online‘s 12th anniversary, debuts today on PC once the maintenance is complete. The update will come to consoles in March. Following Star Trek Online, Shadow’s Advance will introduce players to the Prime Timeline’s Janeway and her counterpart from the Mirror Universe. Players will embark on a mission also involving Captain Killy (Mary Wiseman from Star Trek: Discovery) and Admiral Leeta (Chase Masterson from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). Shadow’s Advance introduces a new featured episode, a new space Task Force Operation, and an anniversary event to unlock the T6 Jarok Alliance Carrier.
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In a Star Trek Online first, players will get to play the Mirror Universe version of their captain in the new featured episode, “Red Shift.” Captains join Terran forces led by Marshall Janeway (voiced by Mulgrew) to kidnap someone of great importance from Jupiter Station in Federation space. Afterward, they’ll join Captain Killy (Mary Wiseman), the Mirror Universe version of Ensign Tilly from Star Trek: Discovery. The new season follows Admiral Janeway of the Prime Universe’s perspective as she retells the story of their exploits.

Star Trek Online will offer one version of what Janeway’s post-Voyager career looks like. Perfect World provided exclusively with Janeway’s complete timeline leading into the events of Shadow’s Advance. The timeline follows:
“As commander of the U.S.S. Voyager, Kathryn Janeway was the first Federation captain to explore Delta Quadrant and established first contact with more species than any captain since James T. Kirk. Her intelligence, thoughtfulness, dedication and diplomacy earned her the respect and recognition as one of the most decorated captains in Starfleet history.
2336 – Kathryn Janeway was born on May 20 in Bloomington, Indiana on the planet Earth to Vice Admiral Janeway and Gretchen Janeway. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
Early Career
Attended Starfleet Academy and developed a love for coffee while studying, a habit that would later become her vice aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
Her first Starfleet assignment was aboard the U.S.S. Al-Batani under Captain Owen Paris, She served as the Chief Science Officer during the Arias expedition. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
Given command of U.S.S. Voyager, a new Intrepid-class starship. Her first assignment was to locate a Maquis ship which disappeared in the Badlands during a mission. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
A displacement wave hurls the Voyager 70,000 lightyears across the galaxy into the Delta Quadrant. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
Made first contact with several alien species during her first few years as captain, including the Vidiians, the Sikarians and several others. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
2374 – Re-established contact with Starfleet via alien relay station, reporting that Voyager is stranded in Delta Quadrant and that most of the crew is still alive. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
2378 – Commanded the U.S.S. Voyager back to Earth by way of Borg transwarp conduit. Upon the starship’s return she was promoted to Vice Admiral. (Source – Star Trek: Voyager)
2383 – Appears as a training hologram to guide six young outcasts who have taken command of an abandoned starship called the U.S.S. Protostar. (Source – Star Trek: Prodigy)
2411 – Admiral Janeway was present at the attack on Jupiter Station by the Terran Empire. She recruited help from both her own universe and the so-called “Mirror Universe” in order to regain what was stolen. (Source – Star Trek Online)”

Star Trek Online‘s director of design Al Rivera shared some of his favorite Janeway moments with They include the two-parter “Year of Hell,” the Voyager series finale “Endgame,” and the episode “Macrocosm.”
“In ‘Macrocosm,’ the U.S.S. Voyager is infected with a macrovirus, something that hits a little close to home these days,” Rivera explains. “These are no ordinary viruses. They are huge. The crew is all but incapacitated. Janeway channels her inner Ripley in this episode and it is glorious. We see she is not afraid to get her hands dirty, and she dispatches the virus swarm single-handedly. Total bad-ass.”
Shadow’s Advance also commemorates Star Trek Online‘s 12th anniversary. The game debuted on PC on February 2, 2010. Since then, millions of players worldwide have created captains to explore the MMORPG’s version of the Star Trek universe. Over 12 years, Star Trek Online has released 25 seasons of story-based content, 750 starships, and more episodes than any Star Trek television series, all with the player at the center of the story. In celebration, the game is bringing back the Omega Molecule Stabilization mission, which players should find helpful in earning this year’s anniversary ship, the T6 Jarok Alliance Carrier.

There’s more content included with the Shadow’s Advance update. Here’s the complete list, as provided by Perfect World:
- New Featured Episode – In the new episode “Redshift,” players will team up with Marshal Janeway and her Terran forces to capture an important individual from a secure facility.
- New Task Force Operation – Today’s season introduces a brand new five-captain space TFO called “Iuppiter Iratus.” Players will need to assemble a team of five and stop the Terran Empire from stealing data from Jupiter Station.
- Anniversary Event – Back by popular demand, the devs have released the Omega Molecule Stabilization mission, which tasks players with stabilizing Omega molecules which Q has scattered throughout the galaxy. Participating in this event along with numerous episodes and TFOs associated with Mirror Universe, will unlock this year’s anniversary ship, the T6 Jarok Alliance Carrier.
- Featured Star Trek Actors – Star Trek Online is excited to welcome Kate Mulgrew to the game, who originated the role of Captain Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager. Players will also team up with the vicious Captain Killy (Mary Wiseman from Star Trek: Discovery) and Admiral Leeta (Chase Masterson from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) who was recently featured in the last season, Reflections.
Are you excited about Janeway coming to Star Trek Online? Let us know in the comments. The Shadow’s Advance update will launch today on PC and in March for consoles. Star Trek Online is free-to-play and downloadable on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.