'Super Mario Bros. Ultimate' Re-Enacted By Marvel Stuntmen Is the Best Thing You’ll See Today

There’s no stopping the power of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Since its release this past [...]

There's no stopping the power of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Since its release this past weekend, it's become a sales hit in Europe and Japan. Gamers can't stop talking about it on their social channels either. But now director Micah Moore and a handful of stuntmen have taken the game to the next level with a new live-action video that captures the essence of Smash.

The video, which can be seen above, featuring stuntmen that have worked on AMC's The Walking Dead and various Marvel films (among other projects). In it, they portray key characters from the game- Mario, Link, Ness and Captain Falcon- and go all out with incredible moves in a showcase to be the last fighter standing.

Set to the tune of one of Ultimate's battle themes, the video begins with the character introductions as they pop onto the stage. They get into their battle stances, and when the announcer yells, "GO!", they jump right into a non-stop flurry of punches, kicks and special moves, taken straight from the game.

The video is surprisingly accurate when it comes to the balance of each character with their combos and grab attacks. We also see some incredible stunt work from each performer, including spinning kicks, dodges, weapon use (like Ness' baseball bat against Link's chain) and special moves. Yes, the Falcon Punch is here too.

This continues on for two minutes or so, but then the video comes to a dramatic close with a taste of World of Light, as the remaining fighters get captured in beams of light. We're then treated to the end credits, which highlights the work of Moore and his team.

If Moore's work looks familiar, that's because he's worked on other Nintendo-themed mini-movies like Mario Warfare and Modern War Gear Solid, which you can view over at his YouTube channel. It's good stuff, though we definitely feel that this Smash video takes things up a notch. Several, actually.

Oh, and when Link pulls out his trademark bomb (which suspiciously looks like a basketball painted black with a fuse attached to it), we dare you not to laugh at Captain Falcon's reaction. Priceless.

Here's hoping that Moore has several more Smash videos in the works, because we could watch these stunt people all day. (What we wouldn't give for a live-action Bowser to join the fray, breathing fire on everyone.)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now for Nintendo Switch. Check out our review-in-progress to see how the game is faring!