New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Game Theorized by Pro Player

A notable Super Smash Bros. Ultimate pro player has theorized that Nintendo could release a new version of the popular fighting game at some point in the future. At this point in time, it seems like Nintendo is pretty content with putting the Super Smash Bros. franchise on ice. Not only does Smash Ultimate feature every character that has ever appeared in the series, but the franchise's longtime director, Masahiro Sakurai, has also indicated that the latest entry will likely be his last. And while we might not get a wholly new Smash installment for a bit, one notable name attached to the property thinks Nintendo will still keep it alive in the coming years. 

According to longtime professional Super Smash Bros. player Juan "Hungrybox" DeBiedma, Nintendo will look to re-release Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the coming years for new Switch hardware. Hungrybox cited Nintendo's willingness to continually port games that launched in years past to Switch and said that he believes the company will look to let loose a "Deluxe" version of Smash Ultimate that will be similar to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

"Next Smash game will be announced in 2025. It won't be Smash 6, it will be Ultimate Deluxe with all characters [and] stages unlocked as well as 10 new characters & 15 new stages included," Hungrybox said in a recent message on Twitter. "It will be released for a 'Switch Pro' like console, in 4K potentially. Quote me. [...] Literally look at the economy of play Nintendo has set up with Mario Kart 8. They've repurposed and repackaged the same game since 2014 and it's making millions to this day."

Obviously, it's worth stressing above all else that this is just a theory from Hungrybox and isn't something that is guaranteed to happen in the slightest. Still, this hypothesis definitely tracks with how Nintendo has operated over the course of the past decade and would make a lot of sense on paper. Whether or not this idea will come to pass down the road remains to be seen, but there's a good chance that many Switch owners would look to buy Smash Ultimate once again if a new version did arrive. 

Do you think that Nintendo will look to re-release Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at some point in the future on new Switch hardware? And if so, would you look to buy this updated and improved version of the game? Let me know for yourself either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12