Tales of Fablecraft's Highlands Dragon's Fearsome Gameplay Revealed (Exclusive)

ComicBook can exclusively reveal gameplay for Tales of the Fablecraft's fearsome Highlands Dragon.

Riftweaver's digital table-top role-playing game is scheduled to begin early access July 23rd, ComicBook had the opportunity to demo the game with CEO and co-founder of Riftweaver David Hohusen, Tales of Fablecraft's lead writer Claire Purcell, and Brad Hilderbrand from the Riftweaver team, and following a great time in the game together followed by a Q&A, we were treated to an exclusive look at the gameplay for Fablecraft's fearsome Highlands Dragon, which Hohusen noted had only been added into the game earlier that day following a lot of work on the creature. 

The video shared with us was recorded by the animators directly from the game with no editing made, and as you can see attached above it provides a great look at what the monumental monster is capable of. Not only is the aesthetic design of the Highlands Dragon stunning, but the animations for its attacks are fearsome and reflective of how much hard work the team put into the dragon. 

"We try to do very ambitious animations for a lot of our effects, but this is by far the most ambitious animation that we've done so far for this game," Hohusen shares as the video plays for us. "The dragon has a lot of – as you would expect – dragon-like abilities. It can fly across the battle map, it can whip people with its tail, it has a bite, it has a gem breath weapon. The ability that I didn't include here is that it can summon a tornado with its wings and can do damage in an area of effect with that, too."

It's an impressive creature, as you can see in the video at the top of this page, and the animations Riftweaver have designed are every bit worth the ambition it took to bring them to the game. It's noted by ComicBook after Hohusen tells us about the Highlands Dragon that we can't wait to use the dragon's power to traumatize our players Riftweaver's team is happy to hear this. "Well, it's definitely the hardest monster in the game," Hohusen confirms before talking a bit more about its power level. 

The previous monster that was the strongest before the dragon was introduced received consistent feedback that it wasn't strong enough – something Riftweaver has ensured the dragon fills. "The dragon is very deadly, and hopefully this quenches the thirst for the difficulty some of our players are looking for."