New footage from Naughty Dog’s upcoming remake of The Last of Us has continued to leak online. In recent weeks, The Last of Us Part 1, which is the formal title of this new version of the game, has seen numerous cutscenes and bits of gameplay footage appear on the internet. And while Naughty Dog itself has already shown off some extensive new gameplayย from the title, new clips have continued to come about in ways that aren’t clear.ย
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As of this weekend, a notable cutscene from The Last of Us appeared online with its newly remade visuals from The Last of Us Part 1. The cutscene, in particular, stems from the latter portions of the game and shows off one of the most memorable moments from the story. While there’s not a lot to make out given that this is just a cutscene, the footage continues to show off the improved lighting and character models that will be present in this PS5 remake. It’s not known how this clip leaked in the first place, but it’s assumed to have come about in a similar manner toย past leaks.ย
It’s worth noting that if you don’t want to have any of these newly remade visuals or cutscenes from The Last of Us Part 1 spoiled, then you might want to be cautious on the internet in the coming weeks. Clearly, PlayStation might have a problem with keeping The Last of Us Part 1 under wraps, which means there’s a good chance that more videos like this could continue to leak in the near future.
The Last of Us Part 1 is slated to officially launch on PS5 in a little under a month on September 2nd. A PC version of the game is also in the works, although details on this port’s release haven’t been given just yet.ย
Are you going to pick up this new PS5 remake of The Last of Us for yourself? Let me know either down in the comments or shoot me a message on social media at @MooreMan12.