
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Drops to Lowest Price Yet

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is less than $30 right now.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is extremely affordable right now. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of the highest rated games of 2023 and dominated the gaming discussion throughout the summer. The game has taken a bit of a backseat now that we are entering the fall gaming scene and there are other highly-rated games like Starfield and Baldur’s Gate 3. Tears of the Kingdom also builds upon the foundation of Breath of the Wild, so there were a lot of familiar elements that don’t fully prime it for as much discussion as its predecessor. Nevertheless, it seems pretty certain that Tears of the Kingdom will be in the Game of the Year discussions at the end of the year and could very well win.

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Nintendo games historically don’t get discounted very often and when they do, it’s part of a very purposeful sale and you also won’t see them get discounted too aggressively. There are usually some other deals like buy two, get one free sales, but generally, you’ll be hard pressed to find a Nintendo game for half-off, let alone more than that. Today is one of those rare occasions as Costco is selling The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for $29.97 in select stores, which is a huge discount from its normal $70 price tag. If you can’t find it in-store, the game is $35.06 on Costco’s website. If you’re not a Costco member, you could try price matching the game at a different store, but there’s no guarantee that another store will honor it.

It’s been speculated that this is part of some kind of clearance sale at Costco, so you probably shouldn’t expect this to be a normal price at other retailers. It’s possible the game will get a slight discount during the holiday season, but again, Nintendo is pretty hard to predict with these things and it almost certainly won’t be as significant as what Costco is offering today.