While Ubisoft‘s Uplay store may not be as chock full of offerings like the Steam store, there are times that it’s a truly beneficial service – like when it gives away free games. And it has quite the doozy for fans this week
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The company has announced that it is giving away the original Watch Dogs game to all Uplay subscribers. That’s right, no hooks, no catches, you simply need to register and download the game anytime between November 7th at 9:00 AM EDT and November 13th at 9:00 AM EDT. That gives you a whole week to add the game to your virtual library.
The first Watch Dogs game initially came out in November 2014, following in the footsteps of Aiden Pearce, a man who uses technology to fight back against the system following the death of his niece. He chips away against an interconnected network that runs through Chicago, enabling him to set off everything from speed traps to sabotages with the help of his mobile phone. This allows him to use brute force to fight back against the forces of ctOS, the network in question.
Watch Dogs did rather well for Ubisoft, selling over 10 million copies and prompting the company to release a sequel, Watch Dogs 2, in 2016, even though it changed its location and primary character to be a little more sophisticated. But many people remember the original game, with its positive usage of technology, alongside its somewhat faulted driving system. (And we thought getting around Chicago in real life was enough of a struggle.)
While it may not be the quintessential open-world experience, Watch Dogs still has a lot to offer, and it’s really hard to turn away from the price of “free.” This could very well just be the beginning too, as Ubisoft could be offering a few more Upay freebies over the holiday season. We’ll let you know whatever else the company has in mind. They’ve done these giveaways in clusters before, and could very well be doing it again.
Don’t have a PC? You can check out Watch Dogs on other systems as well, including Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.