Will Guerrilla Games Ever Return To The Killzone Franchise?

Horizon: Zero Dawn has become one of the year’s biggest hits – and it shows Guerrilla Games’ [...]


Horizon: Zero Dawn has become one of the year's biggest hits – and it shows Guerrilla Games' continued effort to make some of the best damn games on the planet, alongside its previous Killzone titles. But now there's a rather interesting question at play – would the developer ever return to the franchise that put them on the map in the first place?

After all, the team is hard at work on the forthcoming Horizon expansion, which is set to arrive later this year, and with its popularity, it's likely to begin work on a sequel soon enough. So have we seen the last of the Killzone franchise in favor of this new one?

The studio's managing director, Hermen Hulst, recently spoke to the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences about the franchise, and noted that while Killzone is currently on the backburner, the studio is giving fans a listen, just as it should.

"It's really heartwarming to hear that there's such a strong appetite from the loyal Killzone fanbase," he explained. "It's a franchise and universe that we still love with a passion at Guerrilla. It hasn't been easy doing something so completely different. Whether or not we've put a permanent period behind the series, it's too early to make announcements on that. All I can say is that we've always loved the Killzone universe and the Killzone series, and we still do. We share that passion for the game with a lot of our fans."

So that's a pretty open answer, to say the least. We don't have any kind of confirmation for a new game, nor any sort of brush-off indicating we'll never see it again. It's just an open-ended answer that indicates the future is wide open for Guerrilla, and, regardless if it's with Killzone or Horizon, we can't wait to see what the studio does next.

In the meantime, you can check out Horizon: Zero Dawn for PlayStation 4 now. We highly recommend it, as it stands as one of the best games for 2017 – and a damn good reason to own Sony's hardware. Seriously, it's a blast.