
Monolith’s Wonder Woman Game Still Years From Release At Best

The Wonder Woman game is still in development, but we likely won’t see it any time soon.

Wonder Woman Game

Once upon a 2021 Game Awards, Warner Bros. Games subsidiary Monolith Productions announced they were developing a game based on the Wonder Woman comics. The studio later revealed that the game hadn’t even been started when this teaser trailer dropped. After three years of relative silence, 2024 updates from Monolith left players hoping we might finally see something about gameplay. But then, we didn’t. In a recent article about the current state of WB, Bloomberg revealed that the game is still in development but has an uncertain future due to recent changes at the studio.

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WB Games has had a challenging year, as games based on some of its core IPs failed to perform as expected. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League was a massive flop, and the Harry Potter Quidditch game failed to replicate the success of Hogwarts Legacy. Multiversus also lacked the success WB hoped for, and it alongside Suicide Squad have already been shut down. That leaves WB hoping for a big success from its core properties, and soon. That’s where the Wonder Woman game from Monolith comes in.

Monolith Productions saw massive success with Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, which introduced a unique Nemesis System alongside immersive combat. Its sequel did well enough, but didn’t quite build on the initial success. Since that 2017 release, Monolith Productions has not released a single game. After struggling to find another WB franchise to fold into the Nemesis system, they announced the Wonder Woman game at the 2021 Game Awards.

Wonder Woman Game Has Changed Direction With a Full Reboot

When it was first announced, Wonder Woman was reported to use the Monolith’s Nemesis system. The studio would put a Wonder Woman-inspired twist on the system, hoping to build on what gamers loved about Shadow of Mordor. However, it seems that Monolith has since pivoted to a more straightforward action-adventure game. In fact, the game was reportedly rebooted in 2024 and a new director took control of the project. Clearly, the studio is still trying to decide what their Wonder Woman game should be. They’ve said very little about the project recently, though they did wish fans a happy Wonder Woman Day back in October 2024. Some took that to be a positive sign for the game, suggesting we might hear more about it in 2025.

Whether or not Monolith will give an update this year, it’s likely we won’t see much of anything concrete for quite some time. Thus far, the game has a hefty price tag for ongoing developing, reportedly costing over $100 million. Despite this investment, the game is likely still years from being released, if it comes out at all. After that teaser trailer that was more vibes than anything else, would-be fans haven’t seen anything more from the game. With no idea about gameplay or storyline, even diehard fans of Wonder Woman and DC don’t have much to generate any hopes or hype.

For those yearning to see the Wonder Woman game come to fruition, this news isn’t exactly promising. However, the game has not been cancelled, and does seem to be in development… even if that development hasn’t been a straightforward journey. With it being one of the bigger titles currently on the docket, alongside the Hogwarts Legacy sequel, it may well still come to fruition. Eventually.

What do you hope to see from Monolith’s Wonder Woman game, if it happens? Let us know in the comments below!