Xbox Confirms It's Preparing an Event for This Summer

Xbox has confirmed that it will be holding an event of some sort later this summer. The news [...]

Xbox has confirmed that it will be holding an event of some sort later this summer. The news doesn't come as much of a shock considering the video game publisher tends to hold a major showcase of this kind every year in this window, but this is the first official confirmation that we have heard about such a presentation for 2021. With Bethesda now being in the fold at Xbox Game Studios as well, it sounds like we should also expect to hear more from the new partnership at this time as well.

Word on this summer event was recently disclosed in the new roundtable that took place between members of Xbox and Bethesda. Xbox's Aaron Greenberg and Bethesda's Erin Losi each said that they are currently in the planning stages of this showcase for the summer but didn't commit to any specific window for the season. Regarding details of the event, in particular, nothing was really divulged beyond the notion that we should see a whole lot more from both parties at this time.

As for what could be on tap at this forthcoming showing, well, it's hard to say at this point. Games like Halo Infinite and Psychonauts 2 seem like a guarantee to show up since they're each slated to release in 2021, but other titles on the horizon are a bit murkier. Xbox Game Studios projects like Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, and Hellblade 2 are all in the pipeline, although it might still be too early to see expansive showings from any of them.

Conversely, Bethesda has some major projects of its own in the cards as well, most notably with The Elder Scrolls VI and Starfield. Once again, though, whether or not it might still be too early for Bethesda Game Studios to want to show off anything substantial for either of these games in this upcoming season is difficult to estimate. There are more potential question marks surrounding Xbox's showing this summer than perhaps ever before, which should make it all the more interesting to tune-in and watch once it transpires.

So what are you hoping to see show up at this event that Xbox will be holding in the coming months? Do you want to see all-new game announcements, or would you prefer updates on games that have already been revealed? Let me know your thoughts either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.