
New Xbox Game Pass Game Shows Its Advantage Over PS Plus


Today’s new Xbox Game Pass game highlights the big difference between it and its PlayStation Plus equalvent, PS Plus Extra and PS Pus Premium. Both offer unlimited access to a vast, evolving library of games. In fact, the current PS Plus Extra/Premium library is argueably better than the current Xbox Game Pass, however, while PlayStation is starting to dabble in adding games to PS Plus on day one of their release, Xbox has bet big on this strategy and its paying off.

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Not only do games from Xbox itself launch day one on Xbox Game Pass, but they secure many third-party games to offer day one. PlayStation doesn’t often offer its own games to PS Plus subscribers on day one, and while it secures some third-party deals in place of this, it’s not as many as Xbox secures for Xbox Game Pass. This remains the biggest difference between the two subscription services.

This brings us to today, where a game from PlayStation itself, is not launching day one on PS Plus, but Xbox Game Pass. That game is MLB The Show 23, which is now available worldwide after being available last week via early access. From what we understand, the game is on Game Pass not because PlayStation wants it there, but because MLB is twisting its arm, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that it highlights the aformentioned difference in a major way.ย 

Currently, PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium are a great way to dive into games you may have missed. Rather than spend a fortunute on a backlog, you can just subscribe to either tier. It’s not great for someone who is primarily playing new games as they come out though. Xbox Game Pass provides for both of these types of players. It has its massive catalogue full of games already out, but it’s also regularly saving subscribers money on brand new releasesa.ย 

PlayStation has been adamant that its marquee releases will not be launching day one on PS Plus. And this is a strategy that is likely paying off for it when you look at the bigger picture. However, if it wants PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium to rival Xbox Game Pass, it’s going to need to start offering more day-one games, whether from its studios or by striking deals with partners.ย