Xbox Executive Teases Exciting Roadmap

Mike Ybarra, the Corporate Vice President of Xbox, recently took to Twitter to post a teasing [...]


Mike Ybarra, the Corporate Vice President of Xbox, recently took to Twitter to post a teasing tweet about the brand's future that has fans excited and speculating.

Just a couple of hours ago, Ybarra tweeted an excited/shocked face, accompanied by the Xbox logo and the word "roadmap." You can see it for yourself, below:

As you can see, clearly Ybarra just came out of a meeting that was about -- or at least partially about -- the Xbox's roadmap. And apparently, there was some pretty exciting things discussed.

Of course the combination of the two has fans weighing on what this vague tease could entail/ what they hope it means.

As you can see, nobody knows what Ybarra is teasing, which makes sense, he didn't exactly give us much to go off of. Further, it's worth pointing out that it's basically part of Ybarra's job to hype up Xbox. In other words, if this was coming from an uninvolved third-party, it would be more meaningful than coming from an executive at Xbox.

Still, I don't doubt there's exciting things on the roadmap for Xbox. 2018 was a great year for the brand -- bar the software front -- with many exciting announcements and reveals. It wouldn't surprise me if Phil Spencer and co. ride that wave through 2019 and into 2020, a pivotal year, because it's likely to be the year the PS5 and next Xbox are revealed and released.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. What's your ideal Xbox roadmap look like?