Xbox Boss Wants a Different Release Strategy Compared to PlayStation and Nintendo

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has revealed that he wants to have a much different release strategy [...]

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has revealed that he wants to have a much different release strategy compared to other publishers in the industry. For the most part, competitors such as PlayStation and Nintendo tend to release tentpole first-party games on a regular basis for customers to buy. And while that's not a bad strategy to have by any means, Spencer hopes that Xbox can find a way to mix things up just a bit.

During a new conversation with Games Radar, Spencer opened up more about what his hopes are for the Xbox brand moving forward. Without naming PlayStation or Nintendo specifically, Spencer said that he notably wants Xbox to do its own thing when it comes to launching games. "Our strategy is not to just go be like someone else. I get a push sometimes of 'where's your version of this or that game?'. I've been in this industry for a long time, I have a ton of respect for creators on all platforms, and I know many, many of them. But it's good if we're doing something different than what other platforms are doing," Spencer explained.

Talking more specifically to PlayStation and Nintendo, Spencer went on to say that he doesn't want Xbox to do the same as the competition, without mentioning either brand by name. "We're not in the business of just trying to create a green version of somebody else's blue or red colored platform," Spencer said. "That's not the example of creativity that I want to see in the games industry."

When it comes to how Xbox is actually shaking things up compared to PlayStation and Nintendo, Xbox Game Pass seems to be the most notable offering that separates Microsoft's gaming brand from the pack. For Xbox to also release all of its titles across Xbox consoles, PC, and also xCloud means that more players can experience first-party titles compared to PlayStation and Nintendo.

Still, even though Xbox might be going about things in a different manner, are you a fan of how the company has been approaching its releases? Let me know either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

[H/T Wccftech]