XDefiant Reveals First Preseason Update With Patch Notes

XDefiant's first major patch is out but doesn't address cheating issues.

XDefiant has quickly become one of the hottest games of 2024, boasting more than one million unique players only hours after it launched earlier this week. That said, Ubisoft's shooter isn't without issues. Most notably, players have been running into server issues and cheaters at launch. Thankfully, the developers have started to release updates fixing some of those issues, though the latest update doesn't have any fixes for the cheating issues. The XDefiant team will have to address those issues eventually, but this first preseason patch is definitely a step in the right direction.

The update is relatively light on fixes, but there are a few key changes. For example, players were loading into the Practice Zone and finding themselves standing in a void. This has now been fixed, though Ubisoft notes that it might still happen from time to time as they continue to iron things out. Players were also running into issues where opponent health bars weren't updating correctly despite hitmarkers registering. Now, everything should be working correctly, making it much easier to tell how much health your opponent has left in the middle of a firefight. There are also a few other fixes including deployable devices, localization, and AMD GPUs on PC. Again, the team will need a few more substantial updates in the coming weeks to get everything in order, but this is a solid move.

Below, you'll find the full patch notes for the Preseason Update #1. XDefiant is out now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC platforms. Remember, the preseason session only lasts for six weeks. After that, Ubisoft will switch to full, three-month seasons.

XDefiant Preseason Update 1 Patch Notes

(Photo: Ubisoft)

Game Modes 

  • Sometimes players loading into the Practice Zone would spawn outside the world, in a hellscape, and now they (probably) will not. 


  • Fixed an issue where if the player died during the device deployment animation, their next deployed device would drop at their feet rather than be thrown as intended. 


  • That issue where you'd get hitmarkers on an enemy as they killed you, but their health bar still appeared full to you? The health bar display was wrong – you did damage them. Should be fixed now. 


  • Fixed an issue where end-of-match UI text would display with the wrong orientation in Arabic. 


  • We've turned the Practice Zone back on but it's possible weird things could still happen. 
  • Fixed an issue that was causing low framerates with some AMD GPUs.