Pro 'Overwatch' Player xQc Says He's "Done" With the Game Following Account Ban

Felix 'xQc' Lengyel is a popular streamer, but also a very well-known Overwatch pro player, but [...]

Felix 'xQc' Lengyel is a popular streamer, but also a very well-known Overwatch pro player, but what happens when he decides to quit? xQc seems about ready to break up with Blizzard's FPS (again) after receiving a temporary account suspension (also again).

The 24 day ban is now in effect. Though his previous ban in August was for "abusive chat" and toxicity, it's unclear what his most recent slap on the wrist is for. Some are saying it's for a similar issue, but the pro player has yet to confirm that at this time.

According to Lengyel, he never received a warning before his ban - which is usually the protocol. According to the clip above, "Normally they give you a warning, if you talk shit too much and it says like 'you've been reported a lot for talking shit' and then you get banned. I didn't get warned, but let's be real, we've been pretty toxic about the game."

He added, "I don't think I want to be a part of it anymore and give it all my energy and all my passion for it. I think I'm kind of done with it. I think I'm kind of done."

Though obviously this isn't a definitive statement and could very well just be one of those "heat of the moment" type declarations, it does seem to have streamers and viewers alike conflicted. Overwatch has really been a pioneer in battling toxicity, and their inclusion of an endorsement system has seen a rapid decline in abusive behavior. That being said, there are many that feel that a ban without a warning might be going too far, while others lay the blame on the person behind the actions.

Whether you are pro xQc or not, it does bring up an interesting debate. Should developers let gamers have free reign, or is it time for gamers to assume responsibility when in a public and social realm? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below and tell us your thoughts on his recent suspension and what that means to you as an online gamer/viewer.