During a recent Twitch stream, one of the most popular streamers in the world, Felix “xQc” Lengyel, a former Overwatch pro, called out fake streamers on the platform who act differently depending whether or not they are in public or behind closed doors. According to xQc, the togetherness of much of the Twitch community is nothing but an illusion and done by individuals to stay “included” within the group. Adding to this, the streamer notes that many of these streamers think and act differently when they aren’t on social media or on camera.
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Further, xQc notes that anyone who calls out this contradiction — like himself — is quickly ostracized, and he thinks this type of groupthink is not only disingenuous, but is impeding progress.
“Let’s be honest one last time before you leave and never come back here,” said the streamer. “This weird illusion on Twitter and publicly that all streamers all love each other, and, ‘oh my God, you did so good there, keep it up, so good’…. this whole facade that everybody has these days, everybody likes each other’s content, f**k off with that shit.”
The streamer continued:
“Everybody does that as some type of weird cover, to get a piece of things, to be included, and not be pushed out for their actual take. They all act weird behind closed doors.”
xQc continued, noting that anyone who points out this behavior quickly gets the boot and is treated like a “leper” despite the fact that they think the exact same things. According to xQc, not only is this “f*****g stupid,” but it “holds everybody back.”
If you want, you can check out the moment/clip for yourself right here. If you follow xQc — who currently tops Twitch in terms of subscribers — you’ll know not only does he always speak his mind, but this is something he, and a few others, have echoed in the past.
Of course, there’s no way to validate the claim, but if you watch the clip, you’ll see xQc says it with conviction as if he’s experienced it first hand.
For more coverage on xQc and all things gaming — including all of the latest news, rumors, and leaks — click here.