xQc Viewers Disgusted by Streamer's Twitch Setup

Every streamer has their own personal setup that works best for them, and sometimes Twitch viewers [...]

Every streamer has their own personal setup that works best for them, and sometimes Twitch viewers are curious to see what it looks like from a different perspective. After Imane "Pokimane" Anys released a video tour of her home and workspace, Felix "xQc" Lengyel couldn't help poking fun at the streamer's bed and reading lamp. This prompted viewers to ask xQc to share a tour of his own workspace, and he was only too happy to oblige. Some, however, might wish they hadn't asked! The streamer's workspace was covered in half-full drinks and discarded wrappers from restaurants like Chik-Fil-A and Whataburger. The whole thing is pretty gross, to say the least.

Video of the setup made its way to the Livestream Fail subreddit, where a lot of posters were quick to pile-on xQc for his setup. xQc is currently staying with Chance "Sodapoppin" Morris and other Twitch streamers as work is being done on his house, which made some posters question how someone could act like that in another person's home. This prompted Nick "nmplol" Polom to chime in. Nmplol is also staying at Sodapoppin's house, and he pointed out that the whole thing is surprising since "the maids clean his room 2x a week." In other words, this might not be that many days of garbage built-up! The original Reddit post with video can be found right here.

Given the length of time xQc streams on some days, it's not surprising that he might be a little too busy to clean things up in a timely fashion. Still, one would think the streamer might have thought better before picking on Pokimane and her setup. There's that whole adage of "people in glasses houses shouldn't throw stones." It's hard to say whether or not xQc might have learned that lesson after the teasing he's received online, but maybe he'll at least think to straighten the place up a bit before showing viewers his room next time.

Were you surprised by xQc's setup? Do you think the streamer should have thought twice before teasing Pokimane? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Dexerto]