The long-awaited PC port of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA was launched just yesterday, but shortly after players got they hands on it, they noticed some issues.
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Looking at the reviews on the game’s Steam page, it’s clear what opinion the players hold after first impressions of the game. The reviews currently sit at a score of “Mostly Negative,” and looking through the list of players’ comments takes you through a sea of thumbs-down reviews. Players’ reviews move between calling the game a port not worth supporting and a release that breaks hearts, but they all have the common theme of negativity towards the release.
NIS America has not been deaf to the criticism. The publisher responsible for the $60 port issued a statement yesterday regarding the issues that players have identified while thanking players for their patience. Saying that they’re aware of certain issues that were identified from “both internal testing and from submissions from diligent players,” the publisher said that one of the biggest game-crashing bugs has already been isolated.
“To begin, we have isolated one of the widest-reported bugs concerning crashes occurring on start and subsequent issues related to controller support,” NIS America said. “We have created a tutorial to temporarily solve the issue while we implement a permanent solution. You can find out more in our Troubleshooting Forum post here.”
The publisher also said that more issues have been identified through reports sent in via the troubleshot forum linked above. While asking players to continue submitting reports as bugs are encountered, NIS America provided a list of known issues and the order in which the problems will be fixed.
Known Issues as of 4/16/18:
- VSync is not working
- Audio Issues
- Slight flickering in light in Eroded Valley & Towering Coral Forest
- Full screen mode detection is currently not functioning well
- Irregular shadows
- Text errors
- Controller Issues (Detection, Joystick Input)
Roadmap/Order we plan on fixing:
- VSync issue to be fixed within 48 hours
- Controller Issues (Detection, Joystick Input)
- Fix flickering in Eroded Valley & Towering Coral Forest
- Fix irregular shadows
- Remaining issues noted above
The publisher closed with a statement that promised players that issues will be continually investigated and fixed along with an apology for the issue.
“With your help, we will address issues with the title, starting with critical fixes first such as client crashes, and proceeding from there. We would like to apologize for issues encountered, and reconfirm our commitment to fixing these issues in upcoming patches.”