Horror host Joe Bob Briggs is heading into his fifth season of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs and he shows no signs of slowing, as confirmed in a new trailer for the Shudder series. The beloved program has been away from the streamer for months, though audiences have been given a handful of specials honoring various holidays, making fans even more excited to tune into the double features each week, featuring Briggs, Darcy the Mail Girl, and a variety of special guests. Season 5 of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs premieres live on April 21st at 9 p.m. ET on Shudder TV before being available On Demand on Sunday, April 23rd.
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Per press release, “Shudder released today the trailer and key art for season five of The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs, which will premiere Friday, April 21st at 9 p.m. ET live on Shudder TV, and for the first time, live on AMC+ TV as well. Following the live airings, fans can also watch on demand on Shudder and AMC+ the following Sunday.”
“On The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, Joe Bob Briggs hosts eclectic horror movie double features, expounding upon their merits, histories, and significance to genre cinema. Join Joe Bob, Darcy the Mail Girl, surprise guests, and the rest of The Last Drive-In crew as they ring in an all-new fifth season, which for the first time ever will be split into two parts, with the first half of the season premiering on Friday, April 21st and the final half returning mid-June, rounding out the horror-viewing experience.”
Despite Briggs seeing some lulls over his decades-long career, it could be argued that he’s more popular now than ever.
After delivering audiences Joe Bob’s Drive-In Theater in the ’80s, Briggs hosted MonsterVision beginning in the ’90s. Much like The Last Drive-In, these series both delivered audiences at home a horror or sci-fi movie, interrupted by Briggs’ insight into how the project came to life and its impact on the genre. Nearly two decades later, Briggs delivered a 24-hour marathon on Shudder that was meant to be his sendoff, but thanks to streaming platforms and social media, this allowed fans both new and old to share their love of the concept, resulting in The Last Drive-In being picked up as a regular series.
In the years since Briggs’ return on Shudder, he continues to deliver not only this weekly series, but also a number of specials each year, with audiences growing larger with each passing year.
Season 5 ofย The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggsย premieres live on April 21st at 9 p.m. ET on Shudder TV before being available On Demand on Sunday, April 23rd.
Will you be checking out the new season? Let us know in the comments or contact Patrick Cavanaughย directly on Twitterย to talk all things horror and Star Wars!