Fantastic Four: The Thing's Head From 2005 Movie Selling on eBay

'Bring me the head of Benjamin Grimm!' That's the kind of thing a crazy person can say, if that [...]

"Bring me the head of Benjamin Grimm!" That's the kind of thing a crazy person can say, if that crazy person wants to drop a few grand on a prop head based on The Thing from Tim Story's movie adaptation of Marvel's Fantastic Four. If that sounds incredibly specific to you, that's becuase it's the kind of thing a person could do right now, with a prop head popping up on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $6,399. The Ever-Lovin', Blue-Eyed Idol O' Millions might look a little weird peeping out from your mantle, but we're sure there's somebody out there who'd love to have it.

The seller, eBay user entertain_me, is a Canada-based reseller of pricey geek merch, with a shop full of limited-edition steelbooks and long-discontinued comic book movie statues. A quick search of the popular auction site reveals that there are some other, relatively minor props and behind-the-scenes goodies from filmmaker Tim Story's Fantstic Four films on the site, but nothing like the head.

You can check it out here.

Movie props -- especially from films that aren't seen as "historic," so the studios are less apt to hang onto them long-term -- often end up on eBay or otherwise sold on the internet or the collector's market. Not long ago, you could have found dozens of props from 2001's Josie and the Pussycats movie listed on the auction site as well.

The head actually looks a bit more like it could have come from Story's Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, which has a few things listed on eBay as well, but the listing says that it's from Fantastic Four, and since both films were shot in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, it's reasonably likely that the seller either is, or obtained the head from, someone directly involved with the production.

Recently, HBO Max brought the director's cut of Fantastic Four to their platform, making it a rare Marvel movie appearing alongside the Superman and Batman films on the app. As soon as the movie hit VHS and DVD in December 2005, there was already some slight differences to the theatrical cut, including a purported cameo by H.E.R.B.I.E. In 2006, it hit Blu-ray and then in June 2007, the extended cut of the movie was released to DVD. Per Wikipedia's breakdown of the differences, "It incorporated about 20 minutes of deleted scenes, and also included a preview of the sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. The DVD expanded on The Thing's relationships with Alicia Masters, Doctor Doom's manipulations to break up the group, and the Human Torch's womanizing, and how it backfires."

The idea of extended cuts was nothing new for Fox, who had done similar home video releases for a director's cut of Daredevil in 2004. They had also released X-Men 1.5, a feature-rich DVD reissue of the first Bryan Singer X-Men movie which was released on the same day as X2: X-Men United came to home video for the first time.

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