NASA to Release Its Own UFO Report This Week

The highly anticipated report from NASA will land on Thursday alongside a press briefing.

After months of speculation, NASA will soon share its findings on UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) with the masses. Tuesday, officials with the space agency said they'll share their UAP Report on the morning of Thursday, September 14th shortly before a press briefing that will go over some of the points included in the report. The press briefing is currently scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Eastern on Thursday, and it's expected the report will be shared online half an hour prior to the event.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson will be one of those in attendance at the briefing, as will Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters in Washington; Dan Evans, assistant deputy associate administrator for research, NASA's Science Mission Directorate; and David Spergel, president, Simons Foundation and chair of NASA's UAP independent study team.

"About 30 minutes before the briefing, the agency will publish the team's full report online, which aims to inform NASA on what possible data could be collected in the future to shed light on the nature and origin of UAP," the group says on its website. "The report is not a review or assessment of previous unidentifiable observations."

It adds, "NASA defines UAP as observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective. There are currently a limited number of high-quality observations of UAP, which make it impossible to draw firm scientific conclusions about their nature."

A group of roughly two dozen researchers and scientists partook in the report, which NASA officials said they went "full force" on.

"We're going full force" NASA assistant deputy associate administrator Daniel Evans said in a town hall meeting last August. "This is really important to us, and we're placing a high priority on it."

"NASA really is uniquely positioned to address UAP, because we know how to use the tools of science and data to discern what might be happening out there in the skies," he added. "And, to be frank, no other agency is trusted as much by the public as us."

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