Tom Hanks Reaches Out From Quarantine To Encourage Everyone To Register To Vote

Almost two weeks ago it was revealed that Academy Award winner Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson [...]

Almost two weeks ago it was revealed that Academy Award winner Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson had tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus and were being quarantined in Australia. Since then the actor has shared some updates about he and his wife's health as they recover and has now taken to social media for a clear purpose, making sure people are registered to vote. Hanks' latest social media post hails from the non-profit When We All Vote who are organizing an event to make sure voters are registered for the 2020 elections by holding an online even later this week.

"Whatever couch you're stuck on," the post begins. "Join our voter registration #CouchParty! Wednesday, March 25th at 6 PM ET." The When We All Vote "Couch Party" event will take place this Wednesday with the goal of reaching 50,000+ voters via texting in just a few short hours to ensure that people are registered and ready to vote later this year. Who knows, maybe you'll get a text from Tom Hanks himself.

"As our reality continues to change in the wake of the coronavirus' ongoing impact on individuals and our community, it's important that we check on our people and look out for one another," the event's description reads. "So we are coming together, virtually, to reach potential voters where they are….at home! YOU are invited to our first official #CouchParty to help register voters."

Hanks posted an update on his health yesterday, two weeks after his diagnosis, saying: "Hey folks, two weeks after our first symptoms and we feel better. Sheltering in place works like this: You don't give it to anyone - You don't get it from anyone. Common sense, no? Going to take awhile, but if we take care of each other, help where we can, and give up some comforts...this, too, shall pass. We can figure this out."

If it's not clear why Hanks wasn't in the United States when he was diagnosed with the virus, he was in Australia preparing to film director Baz Luhrmann's untitled Elvis Presley movie for Warner Bros. In the movie Hanks will play Presley's longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker.

For those who are still worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.