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If Guardians of the Galaxy set the record for most Easter Eggs in a Marvel movie, Vol. 2 certainly stole the title away. It’s not that there were a ton of actual Easter Eggs, but this film featured an incredible amount of cameos.
Seriously, it seemed like there was a cameo around every corner in Vol. 2. From famous actors, to classic Marvel characters, there were a lot of people to notice.
If you blinked, or went to refill your popcorn, you may have missed one of these awesome moments. If you did, there’s no need to worry. Here are all of the cameos from Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

Howard The Duck
After he debuted in Guardians of the Galaxy, many people had assumed that Howard would find a way into Vol. 2. This was the case, but it happened way earlier than anyone expected.
In the first act of the film, Yondu and The Ravagers were shown in a city full of bars and women. Many of the men were flirting with these women, or tripping over each other with laughter.
As the camera worked its way through the scene, Howard the Duck was seen chatting up a women outside, with a drink in his hand.

The Watchers/Stan Lee
In Marvel comics, The Watcher is a pretty self-explanatory character – he just watches the universe. He doesn’t interrupt anything, instead he observes.
Many believed that Stan Lee was The Watcher of the MCU, as he just appeared at random times in the film. This theory was partly true, as Stan Lee was seen hanging out with a group of The Watchers, telling his various stories.
You can tell these were Watchers based on their bald heads, and long capes.

David Hasselhoff
Many thought David Hasselhoffย could appear in the film after Awesome Mix Vol. 2 was released a couple of weeks ago. If you recall, the Baywatch star sang the Guardians theme song on the album.
Hasselhoffย did indeed appear, as the movie had just started its third act.
To prove to Peter that he could take multiple forms, Ego turned himself into Hasselhoff. This was significant to Peter, because he used to tell other kids that the famous actor was his real dad.

The Original Guardians
Comic readers know that the Guardians of the Galaxy depicted in this movie weren’t the original team to use that name.ย The first group looked much different, with none of the current Guardians on the roster.
Starhawk, or Stakar, was played by Sylvester Stallone, and he was one of the core members of the long-standing Guardians. Along withย Vance Astro, who wasn’t in the film, Starhawkย led the team for many years.
Charlie-27, Martinex, and Aletaย were also members of the very first Guardians team, and they found their way onto the screen.
After the credits, the characters Mainframe and Krugaarย also appeared. These two both appeared as a part of the team at one point or another.

Adam Warlock
While you may not have seen Adam Warlock in his physical state, he did appear after the credits.
Ayeshaย decided she was going to build a weapon to kill the Guardians, and she showed something growing in an artificial cocoon. She claimed she would name the being inside Adam.
Expect to see Warlock in future Marvel movies.

Grandmaster & Grandpa
If you paid close attention to the actual credits, you probably saw some of the characters of the movie dancing in small squares on the sides of the screen. These were just fun little tidbits to show the audience, but two of these squares contained characters that weren’t actually in the film.
Peter Quill’s grandfather appeared first, followed by The Grandmaster. The latter is and Elder of the Marvel universe, much like The Collector, and he will make his debut in Thor: Ragnarok.
