
In Defense Of Venom Not Being In The ‘Venom’ Trailer

The Venom teaser trailer has certainly ruffled some feathers, but there are plenty of fans who are […]

The Venom teaser trailer has certainly ruffled some feathers, but there are plenty of fans who are quite happy with the studio playing things close to the vest.

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It’s important to note that this is a true teaser trailer, merely responsible for giving fans a taste of what the world and tone will be like in the full film and starting a conversation.

Venom has certainly done the latter, though some fans are upset that the footage did not include one shot of Tom Hardy in the full Venom costume. In fact, there’s been more than a few criticisms in that regard, but there are also fans who appreciated the trailer for what it did manage to do, which was to tease a film while also not giving away the farm.

A common criticism of movie trailers lately has been that they give far too much away, with some fans able to essentially put the plot of the entire movie together from any assembly of trailers, TV spots, and the like. This first footage certainly did not fall into that category, and some see that as its biggest strength.

Regardless of which side of the fence you fall on in that argument, you’re at least discussing it, and that’s partly the point now isn’t it?

In any case, there have some great points made in defense of Venom not appearing in the movie (though to be fair the symbiote does actually appear, just in a container), and here are some of the best ones we could find.

Hit the next slide and see if you agree!

James Man

James Man is rather realistic about the whole situation, and it comes back around to making a strong first impression.

“I can’t believe we couldn’t see Venom, a full CGI creation, in the teaser when they just finished filming two weeks ago so we can complain about about the bad CGI 8 months before release.”

Scott, The Baby Soda

Some fans are making the point that there is just no winning when it comes to trailers.

“If the Venom trailer had shown Venom:

“Ugh! So disappointed! They showed everything the movie, there go the surprises.”

People after the trailer didn’t show Venom:

“Ugh! So disappointed! They didn’t show anything! This movie is gonna suck.”

“If you thought they were going to show Venom in the trailer, then you have no one to blame but yourself.”


Again, a common theme is that there is no pleasing some fans, and as many would have been upset if Venom had appeared.

“We all know that if the trailer had showed Venom in all his symbiotic glory people would have gone “why did they had to show it already ???? Movie ruined ????”

Chidden Nuddet

Others feel that it was a smart marketing play from Sony, as now it gives them something else to reveal later down the road.

“Imagine you finally see what Venom looks like, but then you gotta wait a whole 8 months with the only thing Sony had to have their audience on the edge already exposed and probably forgotten about after Black Panther, Infinity War, Deadpool 2, AAAAAND Ant-Man and the Wasp?!”

Matt Martin

Matt Martin took a chance to applaud Sony for not showing their whole hand in the first footage.

“Dear Sony, I appreciate the balls it takes to make this trailer and not show Venom. Always leave them asking for more! Also, it’s got Tom Hardy. What more do we need? ???”

When someone responded that the base wants to see Venom, Martin defended his point.

“And the base will. No reason to blow the lede 8 months before the film’s release. They need that buzz closer to release. They do it now and the buzz/word of mouth will be gone by the time it’s needed.”

Geoff Robinson

Agreeing with Martin is Geoff Robinson, who appreciates the trailer for just showing a bit of what’s in store.

“I actually really appreciate that the @VenomMovie trailer “didn’t show much.” Especially as a sci-fi horror. If the first time I see Venom envelop Tom Hardy is on the big screen I’m going to be thrilled. Trailers show way too much these days. Make me wait.”

When someone brought up being confused about what type of Venom film it will end up being, Robinson said “Personally? Don’t care. Going either way. The less I know the better.”

Hoppy Rogers

Hoppy Rogers brought up a comparison to a science fiction classic.

“Dear everyone mad at the #venom movie for not having venom in the trailer,

There was no Alien in the Alien trailer. Both times it caused a huge conversation.

They win.
You’ll still go see it.
And now so will your neighbor.”

Joshua Yehl

Others, like Joshua Yehl, would like to remind you what happened the last time we saw a teaser with Venom in it.

“Remember the last time we saw Venom in a teaser trailer? Be careful what you wish for…”