Thanos' Snap Gets an Emergency Broadcast System Message in 'Avengers: Infinity War' Fan Art

Those text messages American cell phone users got from President Donald Trump are nothing next to [...]

Those text messages American cell phone users got from President Donald Trump are nothing next to this fan-made emergency broadcast notices designed to inform the public about the governmental response to Thanos's "snap" in Avengers: Infinity War.

In the image, emergency responders and the Avengers both try to reassure the public while informing them that the authorities are already aware of "citizens vanishing into dust or ash."

You can check out the image, which has been getting love on Reddit, below.

Thanoof from r/marvelstudios

The screen feels like a nod to Ant-Man and the Wasp, in which one of the post-credits sequences featured an emergency broadcast signal being broadcast on the television of Scott Lang's empty apartment.

The wording is different -- in the movie, the alert was less specific and basically just said that a state of emergency was in effect and that viewers should wait for further instructions -- but color test screen with emergency alert system text is a repeated motif between the two.

(Even if this one spells "safety" wrong, leading one commenter to reply with "I don't spell so good, Mister Stark.")

Avengers: Infinity War directors Anthony and Joe Russo have spoken about why they didn't end the film with the snap.

"It was always a plan to show beyond that because when we made the decision to have the snaps themselves, that's a plot trick to cut to black after an incident like that happens," co-director Joe Russo told "And it doesn't give you any emotional resonance or catharsis. What he said thinking about it realistically; the true heartbreak doesn't lie in the fact that he snapped his fingers, it lies in the fact that people have to watch loved ones, and we have to watch characters that we care about die. And that's where the real heartbreak lies for the characters who live in the Universe and for those of us watching the movie."

Avengers: Infinity War is now available on home media. Ant-Man and the Wasp hit Digital HD and 4K Ultra HD earlier this week, and will be available on Blu-ray on October 16th.

Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019; Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019; Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th, 2019.