'Spider-Man: Far From Home': New Look at Mysterio Revealed

While most Marvel fans might are addled with anticipation over the release of Avengers: Endgame, [...]

While most Marvel fans might are addled with anticipation over the release of Avengers: Endgame, another superhero film is swinging through this summer with the premiere of Spider-Man: Far From Home. The Wallcrawler, seemingly back to life after the Snap, will face off against some elemental foes while teaming up with the mysterious Mysterio.

Fans should expect a major twist when it comes to Jake Gyllenhaal's character, who is typically portrayed as one of Spider-Man's greatest foes. But now we have a better look at the Mysterio costume thanks to some new merchandise. Take a look below:

Gyllenhaal has long been connected to superhero franchises, rumored to replace Tobey Maguire in the original Spider-Man trilogy and Ben Affleck in the new DC cinematic universe, but Spider-Man: Far From Home will be his first outing in such a role.

The actor previously spoke with the LA Times at Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, explaining his decision to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"It's great. He's a great character. It's one of those things, people have asked me for a number of years, 'You wanna do a movie like that? If you were asked to, would you?' And my response has always been, particularly since being at Sundance, so many of the stories have always been, for many years since I've been coming here, character-driven, and that has always been my desire, is to find something in that space, that seems to match my skill and also my own honesty. And it just so happened that it does with that part, so I'm glad that people feel excited about it," said Gyllenhaal.

The actor is known for his roles in smaller, character-driven films and less for his participation in huge blockbusters. While appearing on The Late Show, Gyllenhaal compared his typical projects to director Jon Watts' own approach to the Spider-Man franchise.

"It actually feels like a smaller-sized movie when you're acting with the actors," Gyllenhaal said. "[The actors] in the movie are great, there's a great cast in this movie, and actually the director Jon Watts is fantastic and he really makes a space where you can try things out and play around and it doesn't feel like you're just sort of automaton, doing whatever."

Mysterio makes his debut in Spider-Man: Far From Home, premiering in theaters on July 5th.


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