Here's How to Best Avoid 'Avengers: Endgame' Spoilers Online

As we all know by now, when it comes to Avengers: Endgame spoilers, we are no longer safe. Some [...]

As we all know by now, when it comes to Avengers: Endgame spoilers, we are no longer safe. Some terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person leaked what appears to be scene from the highly-anticipated blockbuster online Monday night, and the general consensus is that the clip has a good chance of being legit. So the walls have been breached, spoilers are out there, and we all need to do our best to protect ourselves for the next week or so. How do we do that? It's pretty easy, actually.

So one of the biggest hotbeds for spoilers is on Twitter. Trolls will undoubtedly be all over the Avengers: Endgame hashtag with comments about what potentially happens in the movie. Some of these people could be right, many will be wrong, but we have no way of knowing which is which. So the easiest thing to do on Twitter is to simply mute any and all keywords from your timeline.

Click on your Twitter profile and head to the settings tab, scroll down until you get to "privacy and safety," and click on "Muted." There you can select which words, phrases, or hashtags you want to see banished from your feed. It's best to enter in words like "Avengers," "Endgame," "Iron Man," "Captain America," or really anything related to Endgame or its major characters. Choose the "forever" option when asked how long you want these words muted for and you can go back in to unmute them when you finally see Endgame.

As far as sites outside of Twitter go, there is actually a fix for those as well. If you use Google Chrome or Firefox to browse, you can add this handy little extension called Spoiler Protection 2.0. You can download it from that link and get yourself safe in a matter of minutes.

Once installed, open the tool at the top right of the page, then go into the "spoilers" tab. Just like with Twitter, you'll enter any keywords you want to protect yourself from. Rather than hiding pages from you, Spoiler Protection will simply place red boxes over all headlines, images, or anything else relating to these keywords. The photo below shows you what a Google search looks like with and without Spoiler Protection turned on.

spoiler protection 2.0
(Photo: Spoiler Protection 2.0)

This is a handy tool for keeping yourself free of spoilers until Endgame arrives. It covers Google, Reddit, YouTube, and various other popular sites on the Internet. If you still want information about the lead-up to Endgame, including fun fan theories and coverage about how to best prepare to see the movie, you'll be safe here on Yes, once the movie arrives in theaters we will write up pieces about what happens in the film, but there won't be major spoilers in the headlines and each article will have a VERY obvious spoiler warning before you read anything you shouldn't. What we won't do is publish spoiler information from a leak ahead of time. You can count on that.

We love having you on our site, we truly do. But if you really want the best chance and being 100% safe from Avengers: Endgame spoilers, it's best to just get off the Internet for good for the next 10 days. You can live without it. Honestly, we could probably all use a little break from this place.

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26th. Be safe out there until then.


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