Avengers: Endgame Fan Creates Diagram Explaining the Movie's Science

WARNING - This Article contains Massive Avengers: Endgame Spoilers! Avengers: Endgame's second act [...]

WARNING - This Article contains Massive Avengers: Endgame Spoilers!

Avengers: Endgame's second act is a doozy of a head trip, essentially giving the Marvel Cinematic Universe its own version of Back to the Future II to play out. Using the Quantum Realm as a space/time

However, the rules of time travel established in Avengers: Endgame are a lot different than the ones you might be used to in Back to the Future. In fact, Avengers: Endgame's time travel logic is going to be one of the biggest talking points about the film - and Marvel fans are going to definitely need some help sorting it all out! That's where the work of one helpful fans is now coming in handy:

A:E Plot Diagram

"This diagram includes every jump out and jump in point on all the timelines. In my analysis, there are five parallel timelines after A:E, including one in which Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula vanished in 2014 and never returned; one in which Frigga may not have been killed; one in which Loki escaped with the Tesseract in 2012; and one in which Steve Rogers reappeared in the 1950's, perhaps subsequently marrying Peggy Carter and foiling the plot by Hydra to infiltrate Shield."

If you thought you had the various time travel moments from Avengers: Endgame's second act pegged down, this chart making the rounds on Reddit will definitely make you think differently. The biggest talking point going forward will be how well (or not) the Avengers accomplished their ambitious time-spanning mission, and what disruptions to the timeline there could be as a result. Endgame's finale tries to coast right by the issue, by never actually showing us Captain America's journeys into the past to return the Infinity Stones to the exact points in history where they were first taken. But moments like Loki escaping with the Tesseract, or Tony Stark influencing Howard Stark's views on fatherhood, seem to destined to have bigger ramifications than just what we see in this film.

No doubt the biggest temporal development in Endgame that will need to be reconciled with fans is Captain America living out his life in the past, alongside Peggy Carter. Both the original MCU timeline where Peggy moved on, married, and had kids - and the one where she lives with Steve - now exist, which will only continue to confuse fans who haven't yet earned their "Science Bro" badges. Study the chart, kids!

Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel are now in theaters. Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 5th.


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